De bezetting van delen van Georgië is onaanvaardbaar volgens co-rapporteurs PACE (en)

Press release - 591(2008)

The occupation by Russia of a part of Georgia is unacceptable, according to PACE co-rapporteurs

Strasbourg, 22.08.2008 - "It is unthinkable that, in the 21st century, a member State of the Council of Europe invades the territory of another member State. The occupation by Russia of a part of Georgia, as well as the human rights violations in the territories under its control, are unacceptable and cannot go unpunished," declared Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, ALDE) and Kastriot Islami (Albania, SOC), co-rapporteurs on the monitoring of the obligations and commitments by Georgia of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), after their visit to Tbilisi and Gori from 18 to 21 August.

"Russia should fully abide by the ceasefire agreement and withdraw its troops to the pre-conflict positions immediately. Moreover, Russia should stop at once the wanton destruction of the economic infrastructure of Georgia, for which there can be no justification," they added. Regrettably, the co-rapporteurs, who travelled to Gori during their stay in Georgia, did not notice any sign of withdrawal of troops, despite the repeated promises of President Medvedev to the contrary.

"Under international law, Russia, as an occupying force, bears full responsibility for the safety, the well-being and the protection of human rights of all persons in the territories that are under its control," stressed Mr Eörsi and Mr Islami, who called upon Russia "to put an end to the looting, the human rights abuses, and the reported ethnic cleansing in the territories it controls."

During their visit to Gori, the co-rapporteurs noted that, despite "the ongoing looting , the city is ready for the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the area, as soon as the Russian troops have withdrawn and the highway is open for the free movement of persons and goods."

Mr Eörsi and Mr Islami are however "seriously concerned about reports that a large number of villages around Gori are contaminated by unexploded bomblets of cluster bombs, which poses clear risks for the population." They recommend that the Georgian authorities, with the assistance of the international community, urgently initiate an awareness campaign about the risk of unexploded ammunition, especially among the IDPs.

The report of the visit will be considered by the PACE's Bureau on 5 September, with a view to the PACE Autumn part-session (29 September - 3October).

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