Mensenrechten op internet: richtlijnen voor internetaanbieders en online games (en)

Note to editors - 125(2008)

Press Conference

Protecting human rights on the Internet - launch of guidelines for European online games and Internet service providers

Strasbourg, 04.07.2008 - The Internet has created new opportunities and challenges to the enjoyment of human rights in particular related to privacy, security and freedom of expression when, for example, playing games online, accessing the Internet, using e-mail, participating in chats or making transactions.

The Council of Europe has developed - in close cooperation with the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) and the European Internet Service Providers Association (EuroISPA) - guidelines to promote and respect these rights in their respective sectors.

On Wednesday 9 July, Jan Kleijssen, Director of Standard Setting of the Council of Europe, Patrice Chazerand, Secretary General of ISFE, and Michael Rotert, Vice-president of EuroISPA, will hold a press conference to launch these guidelines and to explain the opportunities and challenges that they address.

When: Wednesday, 9 July, 10.30

Where: Room 2, 2º floor, Palais de l'Europe,

Council of Europe, Avenue de l'Europe, Strasbourg


Jaime Rodríguez, Press Officer, Tel. +33 (0) 689 99 50 42

Council of Europe Press Division

Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 25 60

Fax:+33 (0)3 88 41 39 11