Raad van Europa: stop escalatie geweld in Zuid-Ossetië (en)

Press release - 502(2008)

Council of Europe Secretary General: stop escalation of violence in South Ossetia

Statement by Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Strasbourg, 04.07.2008 - Reacting to reports that at least two people were killed last night as a result of shelling and shooting in Tskhinvali and nearby villages in the Georgian region of South Ossetia, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis made the following declaration:

"I am very concerned about reports of new incidents and casualties in this conflict zone. Even if, so far, we do not have a clear picture of what is happening and who is responsible, we know that people are being killed and injured, and that someone is sitting on a powder keg and playing with fire. Everyone with influence in that part of Georgia, including the governments in Tbilisi and Moscow, should do their utmost to prevent any further escalation. People in South Caucasus should not endure another war."

Council of Europe Press Division

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