Raad van Europa organiseert conferentie over strijd tegen doping in de sport (en)

Press Release - 713(2007)

Council of Europe to organise conference on fight against doping in sport

Strasbourg, 24.10.2007 - A pan-European conference on the fight against doping in sport will be held today in Lisbon.

The aim of the conference is to agree on a common position on the final revised draft of the 2007 World Anti-Doping Code that will be presented and defended at the World Anti-Doping Conference in Madrid, on 15-17 November 2007.

Up to 60 participants, including Sports Ministers and senior officials responsible for governmental anti-doping policies from states party to the European Cultural Convention are expected to attend the event.

Conference sessions will examine in details such issues like the system of sanctions, personal data protection, non-analytical positives, preventative approaches and others. Each session will feature presentations by experts, followed by discussions.

The event is jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the Portuguese Government as part of the activities of the European Co-ordination Forum on WADA (CAHAMA) and of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union.

The conclusions of the meeting will be available at www.coe.int/sport

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