Journalist smokkelt bom in hotel Merkel en Chirac (en)

A Belgian reporter claims she carried a bomb into the hotel where the German and French leaders, Angela Merkel and Jacques Chirac, stayed during last week's EU summit in central Brussels.

Belgian TV journalist Katleen Peeraer, who works for the Flemish-speaking VTM TV network's 'Telefacts' programme, also reportedly approached one of the leaders with a loaded Beretta pistol in her bag.

Despite heavy security measures, she was not searched at the hotel's entrance.

"She walked in and out [of the hotel] without problems," said Telefacts editor Ann Vroom on the VTM website.

According to security services, the journalist did not act in a suspicious way, and so she was not searched.

The bomb carried by the reporter was heavy enough to blow up a complete floor of the hotel, according to VTM.

It was delivered by Ms Peeraer's colleagues to her hotel room.

The producers of the programme said they wanted to highlight the poor security at EU summits held in Brussels.

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