Voorzitterschappen EU vastgesteld tot 2020 (en)

EU member states on Monday (13 December) agreed the list of the next EU presidencies up until the year 2020.

The current provision runs out at the end of 2006 with Luxembourg, the UK, Finland and Austria still to come.

The future presidencies are to be run in groups of three, as foreseen by the new European Constitution, with each group generally containing a large and a small member state and at least one new member state.

Bulgaria and Romania, countries set to join the Union in 2007, are also on the list and will run the Union in 2018 and 2019.

The EU presidencies co-ordinate the work of the Union.

Germany January-June 2007

Portugal July-December 2007

Slovenia January-June 2008


France July-December 2008

Czech Republic January-June 2009

Sweden July-December 2009


Spain January-June 2010

Belgium July-December 2010

Hungary January-June 2011


Poland July-December 2011

Denmark January-June 2012

Cyprus July-December 2012


Ireland January-June 2013

Lithuania July-December 2013

Greece January-June 2014


Italy July-December 2014

Latvia January-June 2015

Luxembourg July-December 2015


Netherlands January-June 2016

Slovakia July-December 2016

Malta January-June 2017


United Kingdom July-December 2017

Estonia January-June 2018

Bulgaria July-December 2018


Austria January-June 2019

Romania July-December 2019

Finland January-June 2020

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