Nederland nodigt nieuwe premier Irak uit op EU-ministerraad (en)

The incoming Dutch presidency has invited the new Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to attend the EU foreign affairs ministers' meeting on 12-13 July.

According to press agency ANP, Dutch foreign minister Bernard Bot said on Monday (28 June) that he invited Mr Allawi during the NATO Summit in Istanbul - which the Iraqi interim leader also attended.

Mr Bot said the EU wants to discuss with Mr Allawi how the 25-nation bloc can help Iraq.

The meeting the Iraqi prime minister is due to attend will take place on 12-13 July in Brussels.

The Dutch foreign minister will chair the meeting as the Netherlands will take up the EU presidency on Thursday (1 July).

An EU policy strategy for post-Saddam Iraq was already set out by the European Commission on 9 June, when the EU executive presented its medium-term plans aimed at normalising EU relations with the country.

The strategy involves a range of policies, from supporting elections to poverty reduction and administrative reform.

The EU's plans are aimed at stabilising and democratising Iraq, as well as integrating the country into its region and the international community.

Sovereignty in Iraq was handed over yesterday (28 June) by the US-led occupation authorities to a provisional government headed by Mr Allawi.

Elections in Iraq are envisaged in January 2005.

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