February 2018 issue of the ECA Journal

The February issue of the ECA Journal is out with as special theme: Financial and Economic Governance

Since the financial economic crisis in 2008 the EU boosted its activities to support Member States in difficulties, and create macroeconomic coordination and financial surveillance systems with mechanisms like the European Semester, the Excessive Deficit Procedures, new regulatory agencies and supervisory tasks for the European Central Bank. With all these measures taken at EU level also the ECA came into play as external auditor.

In this issue the Journal brings articles and interviews to take a vertical dive into an area the ECA has become active in since 2012. What was the background, how complex is this area - also in its language - and what are the main strands covered by the about a dozen special reports published by the ECA in this field? And certainly not less important: what is done with these reports by ECA’s stakeholders like the European Parliament, a national parliament, but also other Supreme Audit Institutions and other experts like the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office?


05 ECA reports on financial and economic governance: providing added value in a new audit area

43 IMF expert providing support to ECA audits: ‘A fruitful cooperation for mutual learning!’

45 The European Parliament’s support unit on Economic Governance - and how they use ECA reports

47 Reports on EU intervention in the Greece financial crisis, serving public scrutiny at national level

66 From crisis management to auditing measures to prevent a new one

Plus articles on: overview of the recent financial crisis; the ECA’ approach to auditing EU economic governance issues; the three strands of ECA’s audit work in financial economic governance topics; activities of the EU Contact Committee Task Force on Banking Union; reflections on a compelling growth strategy for the EU; fiscal sustainability during a recession; and the Commission’s reflection paper regarding the Economic and Monetary Union. Furthermore articles on how the ECA reaches out to stakeholders.

The February edition has a total of 84 pages.

ECA Journal - February 2018 PDF