EU Auditors examine wind and solar power production

The European Court of Auditors is conducting an audit to determine whether EU and Member State support for electricity generation from wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power is effective. Electricity generation is the sector with the highest consumption of energy from renewables. Wind and solar PV are currently the two main sources of renewable energy used for this purpose and are on the brink of becoming the two cheapest forms of electricity production.

The auditors will analyse the design, implementation and monitoring of EU and national strategies for wind and solar PV from 2009 onward and also EU and national funding for their development.

Wind and solar PV are the two renewable energy sources for the production of electricity that have been developing by far the most dynamically over the last ten years”, said Mr George Pufan, the Member of the European Court of Auditors responsible for the audit. “They play a vital role in our energy mix and it is very important to understand if the strategy and support for them are effective.”

In the 2014-2020 programme period, €45 billion from all European Structural and Investment Funds is earmarked to support the shift to a low-carbon economy, including investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable urban mobility. Another €58.5 billion has been set aside for smart energy transmission, storage and transport systems.

The auditors will visit four EU Member States: Germany, Greece, Spain and Poland. The audit report is expected to be published early in 2019.