Statement by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the passing away of Peter Sutherland

"I am deeply saddened by the passing away of Peter Sutherland, former European Commissioner, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation and Attorney General of Ireland.

In every sense of the word Peter Sutherland was a true European. He believed strongly in the work of the European Union and other international organisations and their importance for cooperation and international dialogue. He was one of the founding fathers of the Erasmus programme and was instrumental in shaping our internal market in the early days and competition policy as we know it today.

Above all, Peter Sutherland reflected the core values of the European spirit in his everyday work and was convinced that by working together, great things can be achieved.

His contribution internationally to business, politics, migration and human rights will not be forgotten. He was a giant of Irish, European and international public life. He will be deeply missed.

My deepest sympathies and thoughts go to his family and friends."



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