ECA President and French Member in Paris to discuss strategy and work programme in view of future EU budgets

ECA President Klaus-Heiner Lehne had a full day of meetings in Paris today with officials from the French government and SAI, as well as political representatives. He was accompanied by Danièle Lamarque, the Member for Audit Quality Control.

First on the agenda was breakfast with Didier Migaud, President of the Cour des Comptes, to discuss the ECA’s strategy and work programme, and the two institutions’ cooperation on audits.

Next came a meeting with Nathalie Loiseau, the French Minister for European Affairs. Aside from our strategy and work, this discussion also covered initiatives on the future of Europe and France’s contribution to the ECA’s work programme.

The afternoon opened with a meeting with French Minister for Public Action and Accounts Gérald Darmanin, followed by another with Emmanuel Moulin, Director in the office of the Minister for the Economy. Topics included the ECA’s strategy for 2018-2020, our work programme and the upcoming multiannual financial framework.

The day ended with meetings at the French Senate and the National Assembly, where President Lehne and Ms Lamarque set out our strategy and work programme and also discussed initiatives for the future of Europe.

At the Senate, Mr Lehne and Mme Lamarque met Jean Bizet, President of the European Affairs Committee, along with other Committee members. The final meeting of the day was with Sabine Thillaye, President of the National Assembly’s European Affairs Committee.