ECA hosts International Symposium on Regulatory Impact Analysis, 23-24 November - webstreaming

The European Court of Auditors (ECA) is hosting an international symposium on Regulatory Impact Analysis on 23 and 24 November 2017 at the ECA in Luxembourg. The symposium is webstreamed.

Regulatory Impact Analysis has established itself in Europe as a tool for improving legislation and streamlining public decision-making. It is used to examine and measure the likely benefits, value added, costs and effects of new or existing regulation and policies.

The aim of the symposium is to analyse the nature of regulatory impact analysis and to examine how and by whom it is implemented and evaluated.

Several high profile academics and international figures are taking part in the symposium held at the ECA’s premises in Luxembourg on 23 and 24 November 2017.

The programme and additional information are available on the symposium website.

To watch live webstreaming, please click here.