Court of Auditors monthly Journal - agriculture and maritime

In this issue of the ECA Journal, we tell you all about the conference on EU financial instruments that we hosted on 15 November at our premises in Luxembourg. ECA Member Lazaros S. Lazarou presents our latest Special Report on the Commission’s governance, and the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic, Karol Mitrik, answers our questions about this year’s Contact Committee.

Main Contents

02 A high-level ECA conference on EU Financial Instruments

07 Commission’s governance needs an update

11 The Contact Committee, Bratislava and questions to Karol Mitrik, president of the Supreme Audit office of the Slovak Republic

15 “EU support to maritime transport: ... in troubled waters”

20 Two recent audits on key control mechanisms of EU support to farmers

22 Presentation of the 2015 ECA Annual Report in Slovenia and Cyprus

ECA Journal - December 2016

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