EU Auditors´ work programme 2017 - audit priorities and expected reports

​In our work programme for 2017 you will find a list of the audit topics on which we plan to start work in 2017. These address key concerns such as energy and climate, the single market, poverty and social exclusion, migration, integration and European security challenges. We also provide a comprehensive list of the special reports we intend to publish in 2017, as well as additional information about our annual reports, work programming process and institution. Overall, we intend to produce more than 90 annual reports, special reports, opinions and other publications in 2017. In this way we look forward to helping improve EU financial management and accountability in the interest of all citizens.

Our priority tasks in 2017

Energy and climate change, including climate mitigation and adaptation

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    Photovoltaic and wind parks
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    Innovative and traditional instruments for climate action
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    Floods Directive

Achievement of a deeper, fairer and more complete Single Market

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    Free movement of professionals
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    Vulnerability of e-commerce to tax fraud
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    EU passenger rights

Economic and financial governance

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    EIOPA - Effective insurance and pension supervision in the EU
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    Single Resolution Board - Set-up and readiness to manage a bank resolution

Achieving economic growth and jobs through investment

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    EU’s venture capital interventions

Tackling poverty and social exclusion

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    Long-term unemployment

Responding to migration, integration and European security challenges

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    Facility for refugees in Turkey
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    EUCAP SAHEL missions to Niger and Mali
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    Follow-up of Special Report No 17/2014 on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons risks from outside the EU
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    Integration of refugees and migrants (cohesion funds)
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    Turkey country audit
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    Election observation missions

New ways of financing EU policies and initiatives

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    EFSI: management of investment plan and EU added value

Better EU spending: focusing on priorities, efficiency and results

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    Rural development: from cost reimbursement to entitlement / performance-based control systems
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    Cost of implementing the 2014-2020 ESI funds

Assessing performance of EU institutions, agencies and bodies

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    Landscape review of the Commission’s duty to monitor the implementation of EU legislation (Art. 17(1) TEU)
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    Cost-benefits and governance in OLAF
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    Reform of the EU Staff Regulations
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    Real-estate policy of the EU institutions


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    Air quality
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    Fraud in cohesion area
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    Animal welfare
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    Organic food
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    Expiration of the Cotonou agreement

The specific audit tasks contained in this work programme were chosen in line with our strategy for 2013-2017 and are the result of a comprehensive planning process that involves reviewing EU developments and consulting with stakeholders, in particular the European Parliament.

2017 Work Programme

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