CALENDRIER du 7 au 13 mars 2016

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 7 mars

Meeting of the EU Heads of State or Government and Turkey, in Brussels: President Jean-Claude Juncker and Ms Federeca Mogherini participate.

Meeting of the members of the European Council, in Brussels: President Jean-Claude Juncker participates.

Eurogroup, in Brussels.

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, in Brussels.

European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg (07-10/03).

Mr Frans Timmermans receives Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, Federal Minister of Finance of Germany.

Ms Federica Mogherini receives Mr Abdlulmalek Al Mekhlafi, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Yemen.

Ms Kristalina Georgieva receives Mr Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Ms Kristalina Georgieva receives Mr Ian Goldin, former Vice-President of the World Bank, Professor of Globalization and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives Mr Sven Sester, Finance Minister of the Republic of Estonia.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Olli Rehn, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Finland.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford.

Mr Neven Mimica participates in the EU-CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) Seminar on Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment, in Brussels.

Mr Neven Mimica receives Mr Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Stockholm, Sweden: meets with Mr Ibrahim Baylan, Minister for Energy of the Kingdom of Sweden; meets with Ms Åsa Romson, Minister for Climate and the Environment of the Kingdom of Sweden; gives a keynote speech at the University of Stockholm on "Post Cop21".

Mr Karmenu Vella meetswith Mr Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, President of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), in Brussels.

Ms Marianne Thyssen attends the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), in Brussels.

Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Mr Alois Stöger, Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria.

Mr Christos Stylianides in Rome, Italy: delivers a keynote speech at the "The EU and the global development framework - A strategic approach to the 2030 Agenda" conference.

Ms Vĕra Jourová in Prague, Czech Republic: meets with Mr Pavel Zeman, Supreme Public Prosecutor of the Czech Republic.

Mr Tibor Navracsics delivers a speech at the Welcome Conference of the European Commission Traineeship session March 2016, at the European Parliament.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Professor Marleen Temmerman, Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Olli Rehn, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Finland.

Mardi 8 mars

College meeting, in Strasbourg.

Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Brussels: Mr Jyrki Katainen participates.

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Lisbon, Portugal (08-09/03). On 08/03: meets with Mr Marcelo de Sousa, President-elect of the Portuguese Republic; with Mr António Costa, Prime Minsiter of the Portuguese Republic.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Jean-Louis Borloo, Foundation Energies for Africa, in Strasbourg.

M. Pierre Moscovici prononce un discours et participe à la conférence "Quel avenir pour l'Union européenne?" organisée par le Collège d'Europe à Bruges.

Mercredi 9 mars

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Lisbon, Portugal (08-09/03). On 09/03: attends the official inauguration ceremony of Mr Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Portuguese Republic.

Ms Federica Mogherini travels to Argentina: meets with Mr Mauricio Macri, President of the Argentine Republic; meets with Ms Susana Malcorra, Foreign Relations Minister of the Argentine Republic, and with other members of the government.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič meets with representatives of the Association of the Slovak municipalities (ZMOS), in Brussels.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Digital Agenda, Telecom and Post of the Kingdom of Belgium.

Mr Günther Oettinger delivers a speech at the ITB (Internationale Tourismus Börse), in Berlin.

Mr Neven Mimica travels to Cuba (09-12/03/2016).

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Luxembourg: meets with Ms Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of Environment of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; meets with Mr Román Escolano, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank; meets with Ms Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Mr Phil Hogan in Dublin, Ireland: attendance at an agri-investment avent.

Mr Tibor Navracsics delivers a speech at conference on higher education, organized by the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mr Tibor Navracsics attends and delivers a speech at the EU Sport Forum 2016, in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Ms Margrethe Vestager receives representatives of the Danish Public Affairs Network.

Jeudi 10 mars

Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Brussels (10-11/03).

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Ms Silvana Koch-Mehrin, founder and chairperson of the Women in Parliaments Global Forum.

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO.

Ms Kristalina Georgieva in London, the United Kingdom: meets with Mr George Mark Malloch-Brown, former Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the United Nations; meets with Ms Justine Greening, United Kingdom's Secretary of State for International Development of the UK; delivers a keynote speech "Too important to fail: Humanitarian financing in a more fragile world" in the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Mr Andrus Ansip in Boston, United States of America (10-11/03). On 10/03: meets with representatives of MIT Media Lab/CSAIL; meets with representatives of Berkman Center for Internet and Society, with Mr Rick Samans, Head of the Centre for the Global Agenda, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum, with FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance, and with Tripadvisor.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič on Energy Union Tour to Greece, Athens: meets with Mr Panos Skourletis, Minister for Energy and Environment of the Hellenic Republic; visits DESFA (the Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A.) facility in Elefsina, the National Natural Gas Transmission System; meets with senior management of the Regulatory Authority for Energy; participates in the Joint meeting with the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the members of the Board of the Hellenic Union of Industrial Consumers of Energy (UNICE).

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis attends a meeting of Governing Council of the European Central Bank, in Frankfurt.

Ms Cecilia Malmström in Washington DC, United States of America (10-11/03). On 10/03: holds a series of meetings including with Mr Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); with Mr Richard Trumka, President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO); and with Senator Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Ron Wyden, Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee; delivers speech on ‘EU Trade priorities in 2016’, at the Peterson Institute.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Copenhagen: meets with Mr Lars Christian Lilleholt, Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate of the Kingdom of Denmark; participates in the roundtable with representatives from Danish industries and Danish energy companies.

Mr Karmenu Vella in Ljubljana, Slovenia (10-11/03). On 10/03: meets with Ms Irena Majcen, Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia; visits the Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park; participates in a Citizens' Dialogue on Circular Economy; participates in the opening ceremony of the launch of the Ljubljana European Green Capital 2016.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis participates in a high-level debate on "EU-US Partnership - crossing or bridging the Atlantic", in Brussels.

Mr Pierre Moscovici in Lisbon, Portugal: meets with Mr António Costa, Prime Minister, and Mr Mário Centeno, Finance Minister of the Portuguese Republic.

Mr Phil Hogan in Warsaw, Poland (10-11/03). On 10/03: meets with Mr Krzysztof Jurgiel, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland; meets with representatives of the Committees of Agriculture and the Committees for EU Affairs of the lower chamber (the Sejm) and of the upper chamber (the Senat) of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland.

Mr Jonathan Hill in Paris, France (10-11/03). On 10/03: gives the keynote speech at "The Future of Banking" Summit; meets with Mr. Philippe Léglise-Costa, Secretary General for European Affairs and Mr Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Secretary General of the Elysée; meets with Mr Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance of the French Republic.

Ms Violeta Bulc in Ljubljana, Slovenia: participates in the roundtable "Cities of the future. How to be a solution, not a problem"; participates in a Citizens' Dialogue on Circular Economy; participates in the opening ceremony of the launch of the Ljubljana European Green Capital 2016.

Mr Tibor Navracsics in Vilnius, Lithuania: meets with Mr Algirdas Butkevicius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania; with Ms Algimanta Pabedinskiene, Minister of Social Affairs, with Mr Robertas Dargis, President of the Confederation of Industrialists; attends the Opening ceremony in the European Humanities University premises; meets with Mr Linas Linkevicius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania; delivers a speech at the Conference “10 years of European Humanities University in Vilnius - shaping the European future together.”

Ms Corina Creţu receives Mrs Cornelia Lenneberg, Regional Vice President of World Vision International.

Ms Margrethe Vestager gives an opening speech at the International Forum on EU Competition Law of Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, in Brussels.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Professor Pedro Saraiva and Professor Luis Viegas, University of Coimbra.

Mr Carlos Moedas attends the Innovation Summit: participates in the high-level meeting on "Open Innovation in an open World" and in the Plenary Session "How Research and Science Contribute to Economic Growth", in Brussels.

Mr Carlos Moedas participates in the presentation of awards at the EU Prize for Women Innovators Ceremony 2016, in Brussels.

Vendredi 11 mars

Mr Andrus Ansip in Boston, United States of America (10-11/03). On 11/03: meets with Mr Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce of the United States of America; participates in the Innovation & Investment Roundtable (topics: "Building Thriving Innovation Ecosystems, The Internet of Things, Today and Tomorrow" and "The Importance of a Free and Open Global Digital Economy"); participates in a public event "Moderated armchair discussion between Vice-President Ansip and Secretary Pritzker".

Mr Jyrki Katainen speaks at a roundtable on Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea region, in Brussels.

Ms Cecilia Malmström in Washington DC, United States of America (10-11/03). On 11/03: holds a series of meetings including withMr Michael Froman, Trade Representative of the United States of America; and with Mr Adewale Adeyemo, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs of the United States of America; participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Mr Karmenu Vella in Slovenia: visits the Vrhnika utility company and the 'Depot' re-use centre in Vrhnika; meets with Mr Dejan Židan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia; visits a fish port (co-financed with the European Fisheries Fund 2007-2013) and meets with fishermen in Piran; participates in the opening of the fishing port in Strunjan.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Lithuania: attends honorary flower ceremony in front of the statue "Žinia"; attends a solemn celebration of the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Lithuania; attends a ceremony of the raising of the three Baltic states' flags.

Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Ms Hélène Vandebeeck, Non-Executive Director, Siat Group NV.

Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Mr Paul Bulcke, Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé and Mr Bart Vandewaetere, European Affairs Manager of Nestlé, to discuss skills and apprenticeships.

Mr Pierre Moscovici meets with Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, in Paris.

Mr Phil Hogan in Jasionka, Rzeszów, Poland: participates in the conference “Current problems of agriculture and rural areas in Europe and assessment of opportunities and threats for this sector within the time horizon 2016-2020”.

Mr Jonathan Hill in Paris, France: meets with representatives from the FinTech industry; meets with Mr. Henri de Castries, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AXA; meets with Mr. Stéphane Boujnah, Chairman of Managing Board and Chief Executive Officer at Euronext; meets with Mr. Gérard Mestrallet, President of Europlace 2020.

Ms Violeta Bulc in Ljubljana, Slovenia: participates in the fourth international Energy Policy Considerations Conference "Governing a Climate Energy Policy"; participates in the launch of FLAPAX, a European Smart Community Accelerator for Alps, Danube, Mediterranean & Balkans; meets with Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

Ms Corina Creţu receives Mr Tomislav Tolušić, Minister of Regional development and EU funds of the Republic of Croatia.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlé S.A.

Samedi 12 mars

Ms Margrethe Vestager in Copenhagen, Denmark: gives a keynote speech at the Danish European Movement seminar "Taskforce".

Dimanche 13 mars

Prévisions du mois de mars:

14/03 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Brussels.

14/03 Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels.

14/03 General Affairs Council, in Brussels.

15/03 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Brussels.

17-18/03 European Council, in Brussels.

Prévisions du mois d'avril:

11-12/04 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Luxembourg.

11-14/04 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg.

18-19/04 Foreign Affairs Council, in Luxembourg.

21/04 Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Luxembourg.

27-28/04 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels.

Prévisions du mois de mai:

09-12/05 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg.

10/05 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Brussels.

12-13/05 Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels.

17/05 Eurogroup, in Brussels.

23/05 Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels.

24/05 General Affairs Council, in Brussels.

25/05 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Brussels.

25-26/05 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels.

26-27/05 Competitiveness Council, in Brussels.

30-31/05 Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council, in Brussels.

Prévisions du mois de juin:

06-07/06 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Luxembourg.

06-09/06 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg.

09-10/06 Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Luxembourg.

13/06 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Luxembourg.

16/06 Eurogroup, in Brussels.

22-23/06 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels.

23-24/06 European Council, in Brussels.

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 5 au 6 mars:

Mina Andreeva, +32 (0)498 991 382

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio - tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23
