ASEM Summit 16/17 October: Priorities for the EU-Asia relationship

dinsdag 14 oktober 2014, 15:06

DEN HAAG (PDC) - On 16-17 October, heads of state and government from Europe and Asia will meet in Milan to set new priorities for the EU-Asia relationship. The upcoming summit takes place within the framework of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and is centered around the theme "Reponsible Partnership for Growth and Security". 

The Asia-Europe Meeting was established in 1996 and serves as a platform for dialogue and cooperation between Europe and Asia. During this week's summit, political leaders will discuss among other things how Europe and Asia can cooperate in the field of security. The EU will stress its ambition to become a genuine actor in the evolving security architecture of the Asian region.

The ASEM summit serves as a nice prelude to Jonathan Holslag's speech at the Europe Lecture 2014. During this year's Europe Lecture, prof. Holslag will share his insight into the consequences of Asia's rise for Europe's position on the global stage. Prof. Holslag is one of the most prominent European specialists in Asian affairs. He has recently published the book 'The Power of Paradise - How Europe will survive the Asian Century'. 

Tickets for the Europe Lecture can be purchased online via de website

More information about the ASEM summit can be found here