A United, Open and Stronger Europe – European Commission "2010-2014 Record of Achievement"

European Commission


Brussels, 24 April 2014

A United, Open and Stronger Europe - European Commission "2010-2014 Record of Achievement"

What has the European Commission done for you in the last five years? Today, the European Commission has published a snapshot of some of the main achievements that it has delivered for citizens and businesses across Europe over the last five years.

In the online booklet published today, President Barroso outlines the main achievements of the current mandate and each Commissioner gives three concrete examples of the value added that the European Commission has provided in his or her portfolio.

President Barroso said:

"In this time of change, business as usual was no longer an option. If the five years before the start of this Commission were defined by constitutional issues that were formally settled by the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty, then these 5 years have been shaped by the threat of the financial and sovereign debt crisis. In the face of these challenges, we can all be extremely proud that we have kept Europe united, open and made it stronger for the future.

'United', because we managed to keep Europe together and even enlarge it despite the pressures exerted on our countries; 'Open', because we engaged with our international partners through the G20 to define a global response, we kept promoting trade within the European Union and across the world as a means of growth, and we maintained our commitments to developing countries; 'Stronger', because the necessary economic reforms are now being implemented across Europe and our economic governance has been reinforced, in particular in the Euro area, to make Europe’s economies fitter for globalisation."


The current European Commission comprised of 28 Commissioners took office on the 10 th February 2010. Its mandate runs until the 31 October 2014.

An overview of the Commissioners and the main policies can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/index_en.htm

The online booklet is available online at http://ec.europa.eu/2009-2014-achievements