CALENDRIER du 27 janvier au 2 février 2014

Commission européenne

Bruxelles, le 24 janvier 2014

CALENDRIER du 27 janvier au 2 février 2014

( Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)


Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 27 janvier


Eurogroup meeting

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Ingo KRAMER, President of the Confederation of German Employer Organisations

M s Catherine ASHTON holds EU-China Strategic Dialogue with Mr Yang JIECHI, Chinese State Counsellor, Brussels

M s Catherine ASHTON hosts Mr Ivica DAČIĆ, Prime Minister of Serbia, and Mr Hashim THAÇI, Prime Minister of Kosovo, in the framework of the EU-facilitated dialogue for normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, EEAS, Brussels

Mr Siim KALLAS meets Mr Raymond BENJAMIN, Secretary General of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers speech at event on counterfeiting at the Italian Senate, Rome, Italy

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers speech at dinner organised by Business Europe, Brussels

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Athens: attends the Chairpersons' meeting of COSAC (The Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union) at the Hellenic Parliament

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Kerfalla YANSANE, Minister of Mines of Guinea

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Cyprus: attends a meeting with teaching staff of the Vergina Lyceum (Larnaca); meets Professsor Costas PAPANICOLAS, President of the Cyprus Institute (EU House, Nicosia)

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA receives Mr Mateusz SZCZUREK, Minister of Finance of Poland

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN visits Presentation College, Athenry, Ireland

Ms Maria DAMANAKI in Hamburg for the launch event of the "Inseparable" campaign on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers a speech at Club Of Business People from Berlin, Berlin

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives a representative from "Young Ideas for Europe" project

Mr László ANDOR participates in the AECA Round-Table Conference on " Addressing social imbalances in Europe"

Mr Tonio BORG participates at an EP event to mark International Holocaust Remembrance, Brussels

Mr Neven MIMICA participates at the Opening ceremony of the exhibition on hidden Jewish children and youth during the Nazi occupation of Belgium, Brussels

Mardi 28 janvier


Economic and Financial Affairs Council

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends Business Europe's Business Day

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO and Ms Catherine ASHTON attend the EU-Russia Summit

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the presentation of the book "A Crise da Europa", by Abel Salazar, Portuguese Permanent Representation, Brussels

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participe au débat au Sénat français, Paris

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Libor LOCHMAN, Executive Director of CER (The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies)

Mr Siim KALLAS gives a keynote address at European Railway Awards Ceremony

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at "Industry Matters" conference organised by Business Europe

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers opening speech at sixth annual conference on European Union space policy; chairs the first plenary session on European Space Industry: facing the challenge of competition; attends the annual meeting of the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ receives Ms Yamina BENGUIGUI French minister delegate for Francophony attached to the Minister of Foreign affairs

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a roundtable conference on pressing issue of polio eradication at the European Parliamen t

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Juan Manuel VALLE PERENA, Head of the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development and Ambassador Mr Carlos DE ICAZA, Mexican Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Maria VAN DER HOEVEN, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency

M. Michel BARNIER rencontre M. Mateusz SZCZUREK, Ministre des Finances Polonais

M. Michel BARNIER reçoit M. Rimantas ŠADŽIUS, Ministre des Finances Lituanien

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA receives Mr Jürgen LIGI, Minister of Finance of Estonia

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN in Berlin: meets with Ms Johanna WANKA, Federal Minister of Education and Research; delivers keynote speech at the National Launch event for Horizon 2020

Ms Maria DAMANAKI receives Mr Pascal LAMY, Global Ocean Commissioner

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA participates in a meeting with the Alliance for Children at the European Parliament

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers speech on 'energy and growth - ensuring a competitive energy policy" at the BusinessEurope Day, Brussels

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER meets Mr Ingo KRAMER, president of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations, Brussels

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Mr János LÁZÁR, Hungarian State Secretary

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in London: meets with Rt Hon. Gregory BARKER, UK Minister of State for Climate Change; meets with Mr Tom SCHOLAR, Head of the European & Global Issues Secretariat in the UK Prime Minister's Office; delivers a speech at a Conference dedicated to "Europe and the environmental crisis", followed by Q&A session (King's College)

Mercredi 29 janvier


European Commission college receives the Italian government

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Enrico LETTA, Prime Minister of Italy

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the EXPO Milano 2015 event, European Parliament

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Ms Diaz PACHECO, President of the Junta of Andalusia

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Ms Elżbieta BIEŃKOWSKA, Deputy Premier Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Development of Poland

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers speech at the 5 th plenary session "What are the new challenges and opportunities for Europe in space"; delivers closing remarks at the event on EXPO Milano 2015 "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" at the European Parliament

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers speech at the Key Enabling Technologies High Level Group, Brussels

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets the President of the Committee of the Regions, Mr Ramón Luis VALCÁRCEL SISO (Committee of the Regions)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU delivers a speech at the closing session of the Conference organised by the Committee of the Regions "Europe's got talent" (Committee of the Regions)

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER meets Mr Erich FOGLAR, President of the Austrian Trade Union Federation, Brussels

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers speech at the New Year's reception of Chamber and Commerce and Industry, Stuttgart

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Mr Michael FALLON, UK Minister for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skill and Minister of State for Energy

Mr Johannes HAHN participates at the KET (Key Enabling Technologies) High level group

Mr László ANDOR receives Ms Cornelia ROUNDT, Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health and Integration of Lower Saxony

Mr László ANDOR participates at the conference "Euro Reform 2014: Ideas, Options and Possibilities" (European Parliament)

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ receives Mr Amir SYAMSUDIN, Indonesian Minister of Justice and Human Rights

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ delivers the closing speech at the seminar "Successful Implementation of Rural Development Programmes"

Jeudi 30 janvier


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Pasquale VALENTINI, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Republic of San Marino

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Antoni MARTÍ, Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the Committee of the Regions plenary session

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives climate and energy CEOs

Ms Catherine ASHTON visits Latvia

Ms Catherine ASHTON visits Kyiv, Ukraine

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Malta: meeting with Prime Minister Joseph MUSCAT and Deputy Prime Minister Louis GRECH; meets The Hon. Angelo FARRUGIA, Speaker of the House of Representatives; attends a meeting of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee of the Maltese Parliament

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers speech at the Industrial Compact Ministerial Conference, Rome

M r Andris PIEBALGS in Addis Ababa: participates in the African Union Summit

M. Michel BARNIER à Vienne: rencontre M. Reinhold MITTERLEHNER, Ministre fédéral autrichien de l'Économie, de la Famille et de la Jeunesse et M. Michael SPINDELEGGER, Vice Chancelier autrichien et Ministre fédéral des Finances; participe à une conférence sur le financement participatif (crowdfunding), organisée par la Représentation de la CE en Autriche et par le Ministère autrichien de l'Economie, de la Famille et de la Jeunesse; intervient également au Parlement autrichien

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU delivers a speech at the round table of the European Festival Directors; announces the EU Platform for Festivals 'Europe for Festivals' for Europe (EFFE) pilot project 2014/2015 (Bozar, Brussels)

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA meets with Mr Pierre GramegnA , Minister of Finance of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI in Luxembourg: meeting with President Werner HOYER and Vice-President Mr Wilhelm MOLTERER, European Investment Bank

Ms Maria DAMANAKI in Bucharest: speech at the conference "Sustainable development of the blue economy in the Black Sea - Enhancing marine and maritime cooperation"

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA participates in a ICRC workshop on "Domestic Normative Framework for the protection of the provision of Health Care"

Ms Krist alina GEORGIEVA receives Mr António GUTERRES, UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Mr Peter MAURER , President of the ICRC

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers speech at the global market leader's congress of WirtschaftWoche - Schwabisch Hall

delivers speech at the KLIMA FORUM in the framework of the 1 st annual conference of "KlimaDiskurs. NRW e.V", Dusseldorf

Mr Johannes HAHN meets shortly with the EU-gemeinderäte (Représentants des Communes UE)

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Ms Susana DIAZ, President of Andalusian Region

Mr Johannes HAHN delivers a key note speech at the Cobbenhagen Summit at Tilburg University

Mr László ANDOR in Budapest: keynote speech on 'Competitiveness and Social Europe after the crisis' at the conference of Világgazdaság

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of European Public Health Alliance (EPHA); receives members of European Federation for Animal Health and Food Safety (FESASS); receives Ms Cornelia RUNDT, Secretary for social affairs, women, family, health and integration of Lower Saxony; participates at the Gala Dinner 1st EORTC Cancer Survivorship Summit, Brussels

Vendredi 31 janvier


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC)

Ms Catherine ASHTON visits Kyiv, Ukraine

Ms Catherine ASHTON in Munich (31/1-2/2): attends the Munich Security Conference

Mr Siim KALLAS in Tallinn, Estonia: speaks at Horizon 2020 launch conference

M. Andris PIEBALGS participates in the AU Summit in Addis

M. Michel BARNIER à Berlin: rencontre M. Wolfgang SCHÄUBLE, Ministre fédéral allemand des Finances et M. Peter ALTMEIER, Ministre fédéral allemand et Directeur de la Chancellerie fédérale

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in London (31/1-1/2): launches the 'Creative Europe' programme

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN in London: addresses the Royal Society at the European Social Survey (ESS) Launch; meets with Sir Paul NURSE, President, Royal Society; meets with Mr Iain GRAY, Chief Executive, Technology Strategy Board (TSB); delivers keynote address at the Horizon 2020 Launch event

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers speech at the 50TH Munich Security Conference 2014 (MSC), Munich

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Mr Miguel Poiares MADURO, Portuguese Minister for Regional Development

Mr Johannes HAHN delivers a speech the Council meeting of the European University Association (EUA) at ULB

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Mr Tomáš HUDEČEK, Mayor of Prague

Mr Johannes HAHN meets with Mr Nicola ZINGARETTI, President of Lazio

Mr László ANDOR in Berlin: meets with the Bundestag Committee for Labour and Social Affairs; meets Ms Andrea NAHLES, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs; meets Mr Jörg ASMUSSEN, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of the European Generic Medicines Association (EGA)

Samedi 1 février


Dimanche 2 février


Prévisions du mois de février:

3-6/2 European Parliament plenary session

10/2 Foreign Affairs Council

11/2 General Affairs Council

17-18/2 Agriculture and Fisheries Council

17/2 Eurogroup

18/2 Economic and Financial Affairs Council

20-21/2 Competitiveness Council

24/2 Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

24-27/2 European Parliament plenary session

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 25 au 26 janvier:

Dennis ABBOTT : +32 (0) 498 959 258

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2 295 21 23