Verklaring EU-commissaris Georgieva: meer hulpverleners vermoord in Syrië (en)

European Commission


Brussels, 8 January 2014

Syria Crisis: More Humanitarian workers killed in Syria

Reacting to the announcement by the Czech NGO "People in Need" that three members of their national staff were killed in the city of Aleppo in Northern Syria yesterday, Kristalina Georgieva, the European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, has made the following statement:

" I was deeply shocked and saddened by this dreadful news. I share the grief of our partner "People in Need", and send my condolences to them and especially to the families of the victims.

Once again, humanitarian workers have sacrificed their lives in service to humanity. The Syria crisis is fast becoming the most dangerous crisis for the humanitarian community with deaths and kidnappings being reported on too regular a basis. There has been an estimated 33 Syrian Arabic Red Cross volunteers and 13 UN staff members killed since the outbreak of the conflict, and numerous abductions of aid workers.

What is particularly tragic is that these attacks will again result in the reduction of the ability of humanitarian workers to provide assistance to those in need. It is an additional punishment on the long-suffering Syrian population. The safeguard of those providing humanitarian aid as well as complete and unhindered access must be ensured by all parties in the conflict."