De Klerk calls for more European involvement in Africa

woensdag 6 november 2013, 14:58, Farah Coppola

THE HAGUE- Africa presents Europe with economic opportunities and the EU needs to focus more attention on Africa. That was the key message of Frederik Willem de Klerk, former South African president, during the 12th Europe Lecture on the 25th of October.

During this lecture, De Klerk made the strong statement that Europe should become more involved and economically competitive in Africa, as a balancing power between the USA and China. De Klerk pointed out there is another important reason why Africa should be included in Europe’s strategic plan. Europe needs a prosperous Africa, because political and economic issues in Africa could result in an unstoppable torrent of African refugees.

However, for Europe to become strong enough to play its proper role in the world, it needs to resolve its current challenges first. De Klerk warned that the single market is not functioning effectively, as it remains fragmented in terms of trade and financial integration. “Although you are concerned about us in Africa, these days we sometimes are also concerned about you” said de Klerk.

The EU lacks a clear and coherent strategy in its foreign policy, warned De Klerk. As a result the EU fails to take advantage of opportunities presented on the global stage, which is a loss for the EU and the wider world.

De Klerk spoke with energy and had a clear, strong message. Whatever happens, he concluded, events in Europe will continue to influence the future of Africa. And what happens in Africa will significantly impact Europe. Africa needs Europe and Europe needs Africa.

This article is written by Farah Coppola, intern in Brussels, and published on the website of European Public Affairs