Agenda Europese Commissie 9 - 15 september 2013 (fr)

Commission européenne

Bruxelles, le 6 septembre 2013

CALENDRIER du 9 au 15 septembre 2013

( Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites


Lundi 9 septembre


8-10/9 Informal Council of Agriculture Ministers (AGRI)(Vilnius)

9-12/9 European Parliament plenary session (Strasbourg)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Henri MALOSSE, President of the European Economic and Social Committee

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Rámon Luís VALCARCEL, President of the Committee of the Regions

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the kick-off event on combatting illegal export of waste and materials in Europe, at the Hilton hotel (Antwerp)

M. Michel BARNIER reçoit M. Michalis CHRYSOCHOIDIS, Ministre Grec des Infrastructures, des Transports et des Réseaux

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Vilnius, Lithuania (9-10/9). On 9/9: gives a speech at the "Conference on Leadership in Education"; meets with the Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania; gives a speech at the Seminar with Education Stakeholders. On 10/9: gives a press conference, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel; gives a speech at the EU Youth Conference

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr János LÁZÁR, Secretary of State for the Hungarian Prime Minister's office

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Ms Daniela BOBEVA, Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Mr Tsvetlin YOVCHEV, Minister of the Interior of Bulgaria


Mardi 10 septembre


Mr Siim KALLAS launches NAIADES II, the EU program for inland waterway transport (Strasbourg)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK meets with Mr Edward McMILLIAN-SCOTT, Vice-President of the European Parliament, at the EP office (Strasbourg)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Paolo SCARONI, CEO European Government Affairs (Strasbourg)

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Michalis CHRYSOCHOIDIS, Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks of Greece


Mercredi 11 septembre


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO delivers the State of the Union speech at the European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)


Jeudi 12 septembre


Mr Antonio TAJANI attends a hearing in the presence of the boards of Foreign Affairs, Defence and European Union Policies of the Italian Senate (Rome)

Mr Olli REHN in Riga: attends the Opening Ceremony of the Euro Exhibition and the Conference on the Introduction of the euro in Latvia

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Owen PATERSON, UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the first award ceremony of the "IRF (International River Foundation) European Riverprize" (Vienna)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS, Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA, Mr Johannes HAHN and Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ receive Mr Victorin LUREL, French Minister for the Overseas Territories

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Laurent Salvador LAMOTHE, Prime Minister of Haiti

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Stéphane ARTANO, President of OCTA

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Shamsuddeen USMAN, Minister of National Planning of Nigeria

Mr Michel BARNIER holds a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the new Center of Excellence SAFE "Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe", University in Frankfurt

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Yerevan, Armenia (12-14/9). On 13/9: gives a speech at Informal Eastern Partnership Dialogue; presents Erasmus+ and Marie Sklodowska-Curie; gives a press conference with Lithuanian EU Presidency and EaP Education Ministers; meets Mr Tigran SARGSYAN, Prime Minister of Armenia; meets Mr Serzh SARGSYAN, President of Armenia. On 14/9: meets Mr Edward NALBANDIAN, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia; meets with "SOS Culture".

Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets with Mr Antónis SAMARÁS, Prime Minister of Greece (Athens)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets with Ms Navanethem PILLAY, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets with Mr António GUTERRES, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Geneva)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets with Mr Peter MAURER, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA speaks at High-level panel discussion on "The ethics and politics of humanitarian action" (Geneva)

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Eugene Orlando TEODOROVICI, Minister of EU funds of Romania

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Frantisek LUKL, Minister for regional development of the Czech Republic

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Denmark (12-14/9). On 12/9: participates in 2030 roundtable discussion/Energy and Clean-Tech business (Copenhagen). On 13/9: participates in the "Communicating the Obvious Conference", at the Green Lighthouse at the Copenhagen University Campus (Copenhagen); delivers key note speech at Tekniq, Installers’ European Summit; meets with Mr Nick HÆKKERUP, Minister for Trade and European Affairs, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Copenhagen). On 14/9: delivers opening speech at the Energy & Housing fair (Greve); delivers key note speech at the "ActNow arrangement" event (Kronborg)

Mr László ANDOR receives Ms Jetta KLIJNSMA, State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment of The Netherlands

Mr László ANDOR delivers the closing remarks at the Eurofound conference on "More and better jobs in home care services" (Brussels)

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Finland (12-13/9): participates in the International Metropolis Conference (Tampere)

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ receives Mr Luis MAYOL, Minister of Agriculture of Chile

Mr Tonio BORG meets the Italian Health Minister, Ms Beatrice LORENZIN (Rome)


Vendredi 13 septembre


13-14/9 Informal Meeting of Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) (Vilnius)

Ms Viviane REDING participates in a Citizens' Dialogue (Namur)

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA in Italy: participates in the 17th Annual Competition Conference (Florence)

Mr Siim KALLAS delivers a speech at the 9th International Maritime Conference on "Quality shipping in the EU" (Tallinn)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the European River Restoration conference (Vienna)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the International Youth Job Creation Summit (London)

Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the Eastern Partnership Informal Dialogue, Yerevan, Armenia

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Savoie, France

Mr Tonio BORG in Italy: delivers a speech at the Conference "Epatiti Nuovi scenari all’orizzonte - Investire in Salute per un migliore controllo della Spesa Sanitaria" (Benevento)

Mr Neven MIMICA receives Mr Fabio FRANCHINA, President of the Board of Cosmetics Europe


Samedi 14 septembre


Mr Siim KALLAS and Mr Olli REHN at the Citizen's Dialogue event on "Future of the European economic and monetary union" dedicated to 10 years of EU membership referendum in Estonia (Tallinn)


Dimanche 15 septembre


Ms Viviane REDING in Italy: participates in a Citizens' Dialogue (Trieste)


Prévisions du mois de septembre:

23/9 Agriculture and Fisheries Council

26-27/9 Competitiveness Council

30/9 General Affairs Council

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 7 au 8 septembre:

Emer TRAYNOR , +32 (0) 498 983 871

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2 295 21 23