Europese deskundigen naar overstroomde gebieden Soedan (en)

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 20 August 2013

Sudan: EU mobilizes humanitarian experts to assess impact of floods

The European Commission is mobilizing humanitarian aid experts to assess the needs of people affected by severe flooding in Sudan in recent weeks. The Commission is ready to increase its humanitarian assistance to the people of Sudan if needed.

" I have been following closely the news of the floods in Sudan and I want to express my sympathy and support for the people who have been affected by this disaster", the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Kristalina Georgieva declared today. " I have mobilised experts from the EU's humanitarian aid service to urgently assess the needs on the ground as soon as access to the affected areas is possible", the Commissioner added.

" I am confident that the Government of Sudan will rapidly allow humanitarian organisations to access the affected areas. It is crucial that assessments can be carried out urgently to understand the level and type of assistance required. This will allow for the provision of much-needed relief assistance to the flood victims", Georgieva said.

Since early August, heavy rain and flash floods have affected an estimated 147,000 people across Sudan, including more than 84,000 people in Khartoum, the worst-affected State. There is extensive damage to houses and infrastructure.

The humanitarian assistance provided to Sudan by the European Commission currently stands at more than €76 million for 2012-2013. Most EU-funded humanitarian aid projects in Sudan involve supporting emergency preparedness and response, such as training personnel and establishing contingency stocks in order to respond to disasters such as floods. Through these projects, assistance can already be channelled to flood-affected populations. EU humanitarian experts based in Khartoum have been mobilized to do urgent needs assessments as soon as access to the affected areas becomes possible, and to liaise with the EU's humanitarian partners for the provision of relief assistance to those in need, in full coordination with the Government of Sudan.


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Irina Novakova (+32 2 295 75 17)

David Sharrock (+32 2 296 89 09)