Denk mee over de toekomst van Europa (en)

Positive or negative, chances are you have an opinion on the EU and its policies. Share these views in person, or join an online conversation.

Over the past eight months, Commissioners have been taking part in open debates on the future of the EU. These discussions have been hosted by towns and cities big and small across Europe - from Warsaw in Poland to Cadiz in Spain.

With at least 20 debates still to come, there is still time to put your questions directly to a European Commissioner - or to post questions and follow the discussions online.

Now is your chance to speak directly to EU politicians about your rights, the kind of Europe you want to live in, and your expectations for the EU.

If keeping up to date with what opinion-formers and other commentators are saying about the EU is more your thing, take a look at recent articles on the ongoing debate.

The site brings together a wide range of opinions on the future of the EU - analysing what the EU’s expansion means for the Balkans, for example; putting forward ideas on connecting with the public; or proposing visions on EU reform. See what others are saying, and add your own comments on individual articles.

The debates are taking place against the background of the European Year of Citizens. Events during the year are promoting the many rights that come with EU citizenship, and encouraging dialogue between government, businesses and individuals.