Europees Parlement stelt Litouwse kunst uit eigen collectie tentoon (en)

On Tuesday Lithuanian Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis has opened Lithuanian artist exhibition compiled from the collection of the European Parliament (EP) in the EP in Brussels. The exhibition presents works by Jonas Gasiūnas, Kęstutis Grigaliūnas, Algis Griškevičius, Rūta Katiliūtė, Vilmantas Marcinkevičius, Leonas Pivoriūnas, Leonardas Vaitys, Remigijus Treigys and Birutė Zokaitytė.

“The selection of art pieces in this exhibition provides a reflection of the Lithuanian art scene between the late nineties and the first decade of the 21 st century, when my country was living through crucial political and social changes,” told Minister Birutis at the opening.

It is a tradition of the EP to show art works by artists of the rotating presidency country from the collection of the EP. The works by Lithuanian artists on display were acquired by the EP in 2008. The Parliament art collection currently consists of nearly 550 pieces.

At the exhibition opening on July 9th also took part the vice-president of the EP Ms Anni Podimata i and quaestor with responsibility for artistic events Mr. Jim Higgins i.

The event has been organized on the initiative of the EP and in cooperation with the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.