Europese regio's beloond voor beleid 'gezond ouder worden' (en)

On 2 July 2013, 32 cities and regions across Europe have been rewarded for new ways of helping older people. These award winners have been implementing innovative technological, social or organisational solutions to enhance the efficiency of health and social care systems, and have been presented with awards from the European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda.

Reference Sites are coalitions of regions, cities, integrated hospitals or care organisations that aim to provide concrete examples of innovative services with proven added value to citizens and care systems in EU regions. Some of them have contributed to growth and job creation in their areas, many have extended elements of their best practice from local to regional or national level.

The Galician Department of Health was one of the reference sites receiving an award. The Galician Department of Health leads the Public Health system. Over the years it has developed several strategies to address the needs of the elderly, representing a significant quota of the total population (23% of the citizens are aged 65+). The implemented actions focused in particular on the integrated management of chronic patients.

The “Innova Saude” and “Hospital 2050” are two strategic programs within the region of Galicia that are implemented via respectively 9 and 14 innovation projects. The projects (timeframe 2011-2015) are funded with an investment of over 90M€ and received €79.2 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The main goals of these programmes are to build the future model of Galicia Health System and provide a sustainable model for patient-centred healthcare services.

More information

Press Release

Active & Healthy Ageing: EU cities and regions get star ratings to recognise excellent projects

Innova Saude - Hospital 2050