Agenda Europese Commissie 8 - 14 juli 2013 (fr)

C ommission européenne

Bruxelles, le 5 juillet 2013

CALENDRIER du 8 au 14 juillet 2013

( Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)


Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 8 juillet


8/7 Eurogroup

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ meets Mr Gediminas KIRKILAS, chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the SEIMAS, Lithuania

Mr Olli REHN attends the Eurogroup meeting (Brussels)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Jorgo RISS, Director of Greenpeace European Unit

Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Ms Charlotte PETRI GORNITZKA, Director-General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency at the WTO Headquarters (Geneva)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech and Mr Karel DE GUCHT participates at the Conference Global Aid for Trade review (Geneva)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the event "Trade Facilitation for better integration into Value Chains", at the WTO (Geneva)

M. Michel BARNIER à Rome: r éunions avec M. Enrico LETTA, Président du Conseil, M. Mario MAURO, Ministre de la Défense, M. Enzo MOAVERO MILANESI, Ministre des Politiques européennes, M. Angelino ALFANO, Vice-président du Conseil et Ministre de l'Intérieur; participe à une conférence-débat avec M. Mario MONTI, ancien Président du Conseil sur "l'Union bancaire, et après?"

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives Mr Paul DUJARDIN, Director of the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives Monseigneur LEBEAUPIN, Apostolic Nuncio to the EU

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Denmark: intervenes at the Conservative Youth Course (Kobæk Strand, Skælskør)

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in France: participates in the "Technology Against Crime" Conference (Lyon)

Mardi 9 juillet


9/7 Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends a seminar on Public Sector Innovation

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives a delegation of the Science and Technology Advisory Council

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA receives Mr Stanko STEPIŠNIK, Slovenian minister of Economic Development and Technology

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA receives Mr Norbert WALTER-BORJANS, North-Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Albert DEL ROSARIO, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines

Mr Siim KALLAS attends the reception to mark the step of Latvia towards the Euro - invitation from Mr Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Prime Minister of Latvia, at the Stanhope Hotel (Brussels)

Ms Neelie KROES participates in Exchange of views on forthcoming legislative initiatives in the area of Digital Agenda: "Ensuring Connectivity for the Digital Economy" at ITRE Committee Meeting in the European Parliament (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI and Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Slovakia: meet with Mr Robert FICO, Prime Minister of Slovakia and Mr Tomáš MALATINSK Ẏ , Minister of Economy of Slovakia

Mr Janez POTOČNIK and Mr Andris PIEBALGS participate in the Post 2015 High Panel report event, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the event Euro Festivities 2013 - enlargement of the euro area to Latvia, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives and Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN meets Ms Esther DUFLO, French economist, Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Brussels)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU delivers keynote speech at the event "Women Leaders in International Relations. Comparing EU and US Experiences", at the Instituto Italiano di Cultura (Brussels)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN meets with Irish Primary School teachers who are all participants in the Blue Star Programme/Fostering a Better Understanding of the European Union in Primary Schools (Brussels)

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI in Dresden, Germany: meets with Mr Stanislaw TILLICH, Prime Minister of Saxony; meets with Mr Reiner HASELOFF, Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets with Mr Shimpei MATSUSHITA, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Traffic and Tourism of Japan, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

Mr Johannes HAHN in Tours, France: meets Ms Cécile DUFLOT, Minister for territorial equality and housing and Mr Victorin LUREL, Minister for Overseas; delivers a speech at the DATAR seminar (Séminaire de Restitution de la Concertation Nationale sur l’Accord de Partenariat); visits an EU-funded project

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Peder HOLK NIELSEN, President and CEO of Novozymes, and Mr Kåre RIIS NIELSEN, Director of European Public Affairs and Head of the Brussels' office of Novozymes

Mercredi 10 juillet


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO, Ms Neelie KROES and Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN attends a meeting with CEOs on the occasion of the launching of the Innovation Investment Package (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI meets national directors of Confindustria (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at working group on cooperative enterprises (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Public Services intergroup (Brussels)

M. Michel BARNIER reçoit M. Jamie DIMON, CEO de JP Morgan

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Ms Valerie AMOS, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, followed by a visit of the Emergency Response Center (Brussels)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA (10-13/07) undertakes a joint visit to the Central African Republic with Ms Valerie AMOS, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Patrick VAN LEEUWEN, Biobased Industries Consortium

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Ben VAN BEURDEN, Royal Dutch Shell Downstream Director

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Neil MORISETTI, Rear Admiral and Climate and Energy Security Envoy of the United Kingdom

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ attends the meeting of the Court of Auditors (Luxembourg)

Jeudi 11 juillet


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO visits Warsaw

Ms Viviane REDING in Warsaw, Poland (11-12/7): meets with Mr Marek BIERNACKI, Minister for Justice of Poland; participates in a Citizens Dialogue

Mr Siim KALLAS, Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN and Mr Johannes HAHN receive Ms Virginia ROMETTY, Chairwoman and CEO of IBM

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Jacek KRAWCZYK, President Employer's Group of the EESC

Mr Siim KALLAS attends the AmCham EU 50th Anniversary Gala in Palais des Colonies in Tervuren

Ms Neelie KROES receives and Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA meets Ms Fleur PELLERIN, France's Minister Delegate with Responsibility for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Innovation and the Digital Economy

Ms Neelie KROES and Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receive Mr Chris DODD, Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at the annual meeting of ANCE (Roma)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at a meeting of the Committee on Industry in the Italian Senate

M r Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Ralf FÜCKS, President of the Heinrich-Böll Foundation

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Mary ROBINSON, UN Special Envoy to Great Lakes

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Urban RUSNÁK, Ambassador and Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat

M. Michel BARNIER à Paris: discours aux "Rencontres financières internationales de Paris Europlace"; réunion avec M. Jean-Yves Le DRIAN, Ministre de la Défense; participation à la Conférence Europe-Défense à l'Assemblée Nationale

M r Algirdas ŠEMETA participates in the seminar "Protecting the EU's Financial Interests: Towards a European Public Prosecutor", in the European Parliament (Brussels)

Mr Karel DE GUCHT receives Mr Richard MARU, Trade Minister of Papua-Guinea

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of Eurogroup for Animals

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe)

Mr Tonio BORG attends the first meeting of the Expert Panel on investing in health (Brussels)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN opens and Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ participates in the 2nd European Innovation Partnership High Level Steering Board Meeting (Brussels)

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Stefan WENZEL, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection of the German State of Lower Sa xony and Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives representatives of BusinessEurope

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Claus SAUTER, CEO of Verbio

Vendredi 12 juillet


Mr Antonio TAJANI in Italy: participates at the discussion meeting on the future of the Italian and Umbrian steel industry under the new action plan of the European Union (Terni)

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Slovakia: meets Mr Tomáš BOREC, Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Mr Michel BARNIER in London: participates in the Conference "Sitting at the Top Table? The Future of the UK in European Financial Services" at Europe House; meets Mr Xavier ROLET, CEO, London Stock Exchange Group; meets Mr Mark CARNEY, Governor of the Bank of England; meets representatives of banks in the UK mutual sector

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA visits the Principality of Monaco and meets with Mr Michel ROGER, Prime Minister of Monaco and Government Counsellors Mr José BADIA and Mr Jean CASTELLINI

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP)

Mr Tonio BORG receives a delegation of the European Generic medicines Association (EGA)

Mr Tonio BORG receives representatives of the European Federation for Complementary & Alternative Medicine (EFCAM)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN visits the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone in the Gdansk Science and Technology Park (Gdansk)

Ms Maria DAMANAKI in Greece: gives a speech at the "Europe for Citizens" event (Heraklion)

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ participates in the Workshop on olive oil

Samedi 13 juillet


Dima nche 14 juillet


Prévisions du mois de juillet:

15/7 Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI FISH)

22/7 Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

23/7 General Affairs Council (GAC)

25/7 Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) (budget)

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 6 au 7 juillet:

Ryan HEATH , +32 (0) 460 750 221

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2 295 21 23