Agenda Europese Commissie 17 - 23 juni 2013 (fr)

Commission européenne

Bruxelles, le 14 juin 2013

CALENDRIER du 17 au 23 juin 2013

( Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)


Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 17 juin


Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the G8 summit in Northern Ireland (17-18/6)

Ms Catherine ASHTON travels to the Middle East (16-20/6)

Mr Siim KALLAS delivers a speech at Road Safety PIN Award Ceremony

Mr Siim KALLAS delivers a speech at CER - 25th anniversary (The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies)

Ms Neelie KROES delivers opening speech at conference organised by the American Chamber of Commerce, "Giving a Boost to the EU-US relations in the field of ICT" (Brussels)

Ms Neelie KROES participates in Public Information Meeting "A Single Telecom Market for Growth and Jobs in Europe" (Brussels)

Mr Olli REHN at the European Parliament ECON Committee meeting on country recommendations

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) plenary meeting in Berlaymont (Brussels)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Joint ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly (Brussels)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets Mr Antonis SAMARAS, Prime Minister of Greece (Athens)

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA goes on mission to Liechtenstein and Switzerland : meets with Mr Adrian HASLER, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Liechtenstein; meets with Ms Eveline WIDMER-SCHLUMPF, Federal Councillor & Minister of Finance of Switzerland

Mr DE GUCHT receives Ms Cina LAWSON, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Togo

Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Luigi SCORDAMAGLIA, President of the European Meat Network, and delegation

Mr Tonio BORG receives a delegation of CEOs from the FoodDrinkEurope Board

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI participates in the VI Cracow Conference "Poland in the multispeed Europe" (Kraków)

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI delivers a speech on the EU budget at the meeting with the authorities of Małopolska region and receives an award (Kraków)

Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets Mr Dimitris KOURKOULAS, Greek Deputy Foreign Minister (Athens)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA on mission to Chad (17-18/6): visits projects on nutrition in the Sahel and the situation of refugees from Sudan

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Ms Ann METTLER, Executive Director of The Lisbon Council and Mr André SAPIR, Senior Fellow at Bruegel Think Tank

Mr Johannes HAHN delivers a keynote speech at the conference of the DIHK-IHK (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) (Brussels)

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD participates in the European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) plenary meeting in the Berlaymont (Brussels)

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD attends Club of Rome International Special Academic Session, at the Royal Academy of Belgium (Brussels)

Mr László ANDOR delivers keynote speech at the conference on "Preventing Abuse & Neglect of Older Persons in Europe"

Mr László ANDOR receives Ms Ingrid FISCHBACH, Vice President of the CDU/CSU Group, Mr Karl SCHIEWERLING, Head of the social affairs committee of the CDU/CSU Group and Mr Johann David WADEPHUL, rapporteur for European Affairs

Mr László ANDOR receives Mr Alexander SCHWEITZER, Employment Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate

Mardi 18 juin


18/6 Environment Council (ENVI)

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Bert MEERSTADT, CEO of NS - Netherlands Railways, Mr Christian KERN, CEO of ÖBB - Austrian Federal Railways, Mr Marc DESCHEEMAEKER, CEO of SNCB - Belgian Railway Company and Mr Mikael ARO, CEO of VR Group - Finnish Railways

Mr Olli REHN meets with Mr Pierre MOSCOVICI, Finance Minister of France; participates in an open hearing at the Assemblée Nationale (Paris)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK meets with Mr Werner HOYER, President of the European Investment Bank (Luxemburg)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS travels to Lusaka, Zambia (18-20/6). On 18/6: meets with Mr Sindiso NGWENYA, Secretary General of the Common Market for Easter and Southern Africa (COMESA). On 19/6: meets with Mr Yamfwa MUKANGA, Zambian Minister for Energy and Water Resources; delivers an opening speech at the Seminar on Energy future of Zambia: Sustainable Energy Sources and Hydro Power Potential; meets with Mr Alexander Bwalya CHIKWANDA, Minister of Finance and Mr Fredson K YAMBA, National Authorisation Officer; meets with representatives from European Businesses, and the European Business Council for Africa and the Mediterranean. On 20/6: visits an EU-funded Health Centre in Kafue; visits a commercial farm in Mazabuka; visits a Conservation Agriculture project in Mazabuka.

M. Michel BARNIER rencontre M. Jean-Laurence BONNAFÉ, Administrateur Directeur Général de BNP Paribas (Paris)

M. Michel BARNIER reçoit une délégation des Commissions d’athlètes du Comité International Olympique et des Comités Olympiques Européens

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets the members of the High Level Group on Modernisation of Higher Education

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives Mr Joseph WEILER, President of the European University Institute

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI delivers the speech "A competitive Europe in times of tight budgets - possibilities and limits of the multiannual financial framework 2014 - 2020" at the CEO conference organised by the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, Auto World (Brussels)

Ms Maria DAMANAKI speaks at the Environment Council lunch debate on the Marine Environment (Luxembourg)

Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets the Deep Sea Coalition NGOs

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER attends GESA Smart City & Urban Security Conference (Berlin)

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER receives Mr Ed DAVEY, UK Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change

Mr Johannes HAHN delivers a speech at the URBACT event (Brussels)

Mr László ANDOR attends the International Labour Conference (Geneva)

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM attends a Raul Wallenberg event (Mechelen, Belgium)

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ receives Mr Miguel Arias CAÑETE, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ attends the 25th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (Brussels)

Mercredi 19 juin


Ms Neelie KROES attends the Digital Agenda Assembly in Dublin (19-20/6). On 20/6: delivers a speech on "A Single Telecom Market for Growth and Jobs in Europe" (10:15); launches the "Dublin Digital Masterplan".

Mr Olli REHN attends the Brussels Economic Forum

Mr Olli REHN at the Conference of German State Ministers of Finance (Brussels)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Marcin KOROLEC, Polish Minister of the Environment and Mr Stanislaw KALEMBA, Polish Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

M. Michel BARNIER reçoit M. Pascal LAMY, Directeur Général de l'OMC

Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets Mr Rudy RALLIS, owner of Attica Zoological Park

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA attends a plenary session at the European Court of Auditors (Brussels)

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER and Ms Connie HEDEGAARD participates in the European Commission’s Stakeholder conference on 2030 Green Paper, at the Centre Borschette (Brussels)

Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers a keynote speech at CERRE's Executive Seminar on "Europe's Wholesale Electricity Markets"

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Henrik OTBO, Danish member of the European Court of Auditors

Mr László ANDOR attends the 12th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty, at the European Parliament

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ attends 2012 Black Sea - Caspian Sea International Fund Award

Jeudi 20 juin


20/6 Eurogroup

20-21/6 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO in Vienna

M r Janez POTOČNIK on mission to Edinburgh, Scotland: delivers a speech at the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee of the Scottish Parliament; meets with Secretary of State for Scotland, Mr Michael MOORE and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, Mr Richard LOCHHEAD; holds a debate for members of SAYFC, RHASS and NFUS at the Royal Highland Show; meets with Mr David HEALTH, UK Minister of State for Food and Agriculture; takes part in tour of the Renewables area of the Show with media.

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Cyprus (20-25/6). On 20/6: t akes part at the Open University Rectors meeting (Latsia); gives a press conference and delivers opening speech at the Awareness raising conference of Southern Mediterranean countries on Erasmus, University of Nicosia. On 21/6: meets the Minister of Commerce, Industry & Tourism, Mr Yiorgos LAKKOTRIPIS.

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA meets with German State Ministers of Finance (Luxemburg)

Mr Tonio BORG delivers keynote speech at the IFAH-Europe (International Animal Health Organisation) annual conference 2013 (Brussels)

Mr Tonio BORG delivers a key address at the Joint Meeting of the High-Level Group on Nutrition and Health, Brussels

Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Piero DI LORENZO, President of IRBM (Istituto di Ricerche di Biologia Molecolare) Science Park

Mr Tonio BORG receives a delegation from UNESDA (Union of European Soft Drinks Associations)

Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Guido RASI, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN meets Mr Steven JOYCE, New Zealand Minister for Science and Innovation (Brussels)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN delivers keynote address at high level launch of Marine Board "Navigating the Future IV foresight" paper and EurOCEAN 2014

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA and Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receive H.R.H. Princess Marie of Denmark

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets representatives of the official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales (CAFOD) (London)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA attends the opening of a joint ECHO-International Rescue Committee Refugee Campaign Launch (London)

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Tony TYLER, IATA (International Air Transport Association) director general and Mr Paul STEELE, IATA aviation environment director

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD receives Mr Reiner HASELOFF, Prime Minister of the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt

Ms Connie HEDEGAARD on mission to Hamburg, Germany (20-21/6). On 20/6: gives a speech at Hafen City Hamburg and IBA Hamburg's conference on Urban Development (Internationale Fachkonferenz Stadt "neu bauen"). On 21/6: visits the IBA Climate protection projects; visits the Hamburg Hafen City area.

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM participates in a Cyber Security Cooperation conference with Mr Alan SHATTER, Minister for Justice and Equality of Ireland

Vendredi 21 juin


21/6 Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Plamen ORESHARSKI, Prime Minister of Bulgaria

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Roberto Maroni, President of the Lombardy

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Ilham ALIYEV, President of Azerbaijan

Ms Maria DAMANAKI gives keynote speech at the 28th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (Odessa, Ukraine)

Mr László ANDOR participates in a round table debate on "Apprenticeships and dual education system - is the German model universal?" at the CEPS conference on "Youth employment after the great recession"

Samedi 22 juin


Dima nche 23 juin


Prévisions du mois de juin:

24-25/6 Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

24-25/6 Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI FISH)

27-28/6 European Council

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 15 au 16 juin:

Michael JENNINGS , +32 (0) 498 986 880

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2 295 21 23