Europese Raad handhaaft systeem van één EU-commissaris per land (en)





Brussels, 22 May 2013

EUCO 119/13


The European Council decides

on the number of members of the European Commission

The European Council adopted today a decision on the composition of the European Commission. This decision provides that the Commission will continue to consist of a number of members equal to the number of Member States. This number also includes the Commission President and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the Commission ( 176/12 ).

The decision, which in effect maintains the current practice, will apply from 1 November 2014.

In view of its effect on the functioning of the Commission, the European Council will review this decision well in advance of the appointment of the first Commission following the date of accession of the 30th Member State or the appointment of the Commission succeeding that due to take up its duties on 1 November 2014, whichever is earlier.


The Lisbon Treaty provided that as of 1 November 2014 the Commission would consist of a number of members corresponding to two thirds of the number of Member States, unless the European Council unanimously decided otherwise.

Today's decision puts into effect the political agreement reached at the European Council meetings of 11-12 December 2008 ( 17271/1/08 ) and 18-19 June 2009 ( 11225/2/09 ) where the heads of state or government noted the concerns of the Irish people with respect to the Lisbon Treaty and agreed to continue the principle of one Commissioner per Member State.
