Verklaring Commissievoorzitter Barroso over humanitaire hulp en de strijd tegen armoede (en)

I met today with Bono, co-founder of the ONE campaign, to coordinate our efforts on fighting extreme poverty and preventable disease. Saving lives and preventing disease are both a human imperative and a smart investment on which responsible governments and international organisations must deliver. I will therefore push for member states to agree the Commission's proposal for a 20% increase in external aid for the next European budget (2014-2020).

More than ever, European action in the field of development and humanitarian aid is needed. Just a few days ago, I saw in Jordan, in the Za'atari camp, how much our help to the refugees is appreciated. The Director General of UNICEF said that without our funding the children would simply not have access to schools. We must do more for these children and refugees all over the world.

Bono and I have also agreed to work together for an ambitious agreement on the Commission's proposal for transparency and accountability from extractive industries.