Commissie nodigt burgers vragen te stellen aan Barroso voor zijn State of the Union en live-interview op 19 september (en)

Where do we stand and how will the European Union emerge from the economic crisis? These are just two of a number of questions the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, will address when he gives the 2012 State of the Union Address at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 12th September at 09.00 CET.

President Barroso will give a candid and clear assessment of the situation facing Europe and how he believes Europe should move forward over the coming years. His speech can be followed live at (

In parallel, President Barroso will write to the President of the European Parliament setting out the policy proposals that the European Commission will pursue in the coming months.

On 19th September at 19:00 CET, President Barroso will answer citizens' questions on the State of the Union in a live interview hosted by Euronews, using Google+ Hangout video technology.

Between 7th September and 18th September at midday CET, people are invited to submit video or text questions for him to answer. Questions can be submitted - and voted on - via EUtube, the European Commission's YouTube channel. From amongst the top voted video questions, Euronews will select several participants to put their questions to the President in person, live, via Google+ Hangout.

The interview will be broadcast live on the Euronews cable network and website, on EUtube, on the Commission’s Google+ page, on Europe by Satellite, and the President's website. The livestream of the interview on EUtube will be freely embeddable in any website.

Watch the President's call for acion: