Verklaring van commissievoorzitter Barroso na de eerste ontmoeting met de Deense regering (en)

We are delighted to be here in Copenhagen and to receive such a warm welcome by Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and the government.

We started a very fruitful discussion. Our work will go on tomorrow as well.

Let me tell you that we very much share the priorities of the Danish Presidency for a more dynamic, more open, safer and greener Europe. And I believe that these tasks are going to be delivered during the Danish Presidency. We very much support you, Prime Minister, in your commitment to this kind of Europe - a Europe that is closer to citizens.

As I said before - the Danish Presidency comes at a very crucial moment for the European project. We have to show to our citizens concrete results in their daily lives. There are also some risks here and there of fragmentation. We want all the Member States to be involved in our common purpose and I count on Denmark for building bridges, consolidating this kind of unity and we will work, of course, loyally and very closely with the Danish Presidency to make this presidency a success for Denmark and a success for Europe.