Begrotingscommissie keurt financiële hulp EU voor werklozen in drukkerijsector goed (en)

The Budgets Committee on Thursday approved €5,884,197 in EU Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) aid for 1,764 workers made redundant in the Netherlands by 101 firms in the graphics and printing sector.

The graphics and printing sector in the Netherlands has suffered from large-scale redundancies, and six out of the twelve Dutch provinces have been affected by the global drop in demand for printed media material.

The Netherlands had applied for €2,649,148 to help find new jobs for 800 workers made redundant by 52 firms in the Zuid-Holland and Utrecht regions.

A further €1,849,086 was requested for 551 workers made redundant by 26 firms in the Noord-Holland and Flevoland regions.

Finally, €718,140 was requested for 214 workers made redundant by nine companies in the  Overijssel region and €667,823 for 199 workers made redundant by 14 firms in the Noord-Brabant region.

EGF aid helps redundant workers to find new jobs by providing training and job-search assistance.

In the chair : Alain LAMASSOURE (EPP, FR)