Bosnië-Herzegovina: De EIB steunt watervoorziening en afvalwater in Republika Srpska met 50 miljoen (en)

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 50 million loan with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska (one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina) aimed at the construction and rehabilitation of water supply and sanitation infrastructure in the country. This will help to improve the quality of life of the country’s citizens and meet Bosnia and Herzegovina’s needs regarding future compliance with EU environmental legislation.

The project purpose is the protection of public health and the environment from water pollution, while maintaining a balanced development of water supply and sanitation as well as safeguarding the financial and operational viability of the water companies.

In detail, the EIB loan will finance an investment programme for the water and wastewater sector in 24 municipalities throughout Republika Srpska, covering a population of some 250.000 people.

Each project may concern:

  • water resource infrastructure;
  • water supply systems;
  • extension of drinking water treatment facilities;
  • waste water collection systems;
  • waste water treatment facilities;
  • bulk and consume metering.

In 2008, the EIB financed a similar project by a EUR 60 million loan to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The EIB loan will cover up to 50% of the total costs of the planned projects that will be co-financed by the budgets of the Republika Sprska, EU Instrument for Pre-Accession and bi-lateral funds.