De Europese Commissie benoemt hoofd van vertegenwoordiging in Londen (en)

Mr. Jonathan Scheele will take office as the new Head of Representation in London on 1 August 2010.

Mr. Scheele, currently a Director at the Mobility and Transport Directorate-General, joined the Commission in 1974. In addition to his broad experience in the Directorate-Generals for Industrial Affairs, Transport and External Relations, Mr. Scheele was the First Secretary and later Counsellor dealing with international trade in the Commission’s Permanent Delegation in Geneva between 1982 and 1988. He served as Head of the Commission’s Delegation in Romania between 2001 and 2006 and accompanied the country's accession to the Union.

By appointing a high-ranking official in London, the Commission wants to show that it is committed to working very closely with the new government, as well as with all political groups in the United Kingdom. With his high-level contacts in Brussels, Mr. Scheele will help build a true partnership, based on mutual trust and confidence, between the UK and the Commission. Mr. Scheele will prepare the opening of a new joint European Parliament and Commission Europe House on Smith Square in October this year. This will become the hub of many activities, debates and meetings with politicians, academics, artists and young people interested in Europe.

Mr. Scheele's impressive track-record will help the London Representation play a key role in communicating with the British public, civil society and media, as well as strengthening relations between the Commission and national or regional authorities.


The Commission has Representations in all EU Member States. They represent the Commission in the Member State, inform the media and public about its policies and report to the Commission on significant developments in the country.

Mr. Scheele is one of the seven Heads of Representations who were appointed today by the Commission. For an overview of the appointment procedure and a list of all seven names, see IP/10/929.