De Europese Commissie benoemt hoofd van vertegenwoordiging in Dublin (en)

Barbara Nolan will take office as the new Head of Representation in Dublin on 1 October 2010.

Ms. Nolan, currently Head of Unit for Higher Education and Erasmus at the Education and Culture Directorate-General, joined the Commission in 1985. She was the Commission’s spokesperson for Employment, Social Affairs and Health matters between 1993 and 1999, as well as spokesperson for Justice and Home Affairs issues between 1993 and 1994. Ms. Nolan also served as Assistant to the Director-General and head of the communications unit between 2002 and 2007.

Enhancing the Irish people’s trust and confidence in the European Union is important during the current economic crisis. The appointment of a senior civil servant with extensive experience in citizen-oriented policy areas - such as employment, social affairs, health, justice and education - will further strenghten the good relations between the Commission and Irish authorities.

Ms. Nolan's broad experience at the Commission will help the Representation in Ireland play a key role in communicating with Irish citizens, civil society and the media, as well as strengthening relations between the Commission and national or regional authorities.


The Commission has Representations in all EU Member States. They represent the Commission in the Member State, inform the media and public about its policies and report to the Commission on significant developments in the country.

Ms. Nolan is one of the seven Heads of Representations who were appointed today by the Commission. For an overview of the appointment procedure and a list of all seven names, see IP/10/929