De Europese Commissie benoemt hoofd van vertegenwoordiging in Parijs (en)

Ms. Anne Houtman will take office as the new Head of Representation in Paris on 1 September 2010.

Ms. Houtman, currently a Director in the Energy Directorate-General, joined the Commission in 1985. She started her career in the European Statistical Office and Competition Directorate-General. In 1999, she joined the Cabinet of Commission President Romano Prodi and served as his Deputy Head of Cabinet between 2001 and 2004. She has worked as a Director in the Single Market and Energy Directorate-Generals since 2004.

Ms. Houtman holds a degree in mathematical sciences and has a PhD in statistics. She has a strong international academic and professional background in the field of research, econometrics, mathematics and statistics.

By nominating Ms. Houtman as the Head of the Representation in Paris, the Commission is sending a strong signal that high-level contacts with the French government and important stakeholders in Paris are a top priority. Ms. Houtman has experience in Single Market and Energy policies, which play a key role in driving Europe's recovery. With her wide range of high-level contacts in Brussels, Ms. Houtman is particularly well-placed to further deepen the partnership between the Commission and France.


The Commission has Representations in all EU Member States. They represent the Commission in the Member State, inform the media and public about its policies and report to the Commission on significant developments in the country.

Ms. Houtman is one of the seven Heads of Representations who were appointed today by the Commission. For an overview of the appointment procedure and a list of all seven names, see IP/10/929.