Europese Commissie trekt miljoenen uit voor programma dat electronische uitwisseling tussen overheidsdiensten van lidstaten moet vergemakkelijken (en)

Today the European Commission adopted the ISA Work Programme1, which allocates €26 million to actions in support of electronic cooperation among public administrations in the EU Member States. The actions will help administrations to exchange information more easily and to deliver better services to citizens and businesses. ISA stands for 'interoperability solutions for European public administrations'.

Commission Vice-President Maroš Sefcovic, responsible for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration, said: "In order to provide user-friendly public services to citizens and businesses, public administrations work together and exchange information, not only within countries but increasingly across borders. Such cross border collaboration touches many aspects of life, including security, justice, the environment, job offers and studying abroad, but also doing business in the single market and the correct spending of EU funds. The ISA programme supports cross-border electronic cooperation between public administrations at national, regional and local level, leading to cost-effective delivery of public services, facilitating the implementation of EU legislation and supporting the single market."

The ISA Work Programme contributes to the goals set out in the Digital Agenda2 (see IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and MEMO/10/200), which is one of the seven flagships in the Commission's Europe 2020 strategy

The ISA actions support cooperation between administrations with a strong focus on interoperability and reuse, so as to overcome electronic barriers between Member States and avoid duplication of effort. Actions are planned to promote and facilitate the exchange of information between administrations, to agree on common frameworks and ICT architectures and to support services that enable faster development of cross-border public services via collaboration between public administrations. ISA will also assist Commission services and Member States with the assessment of the ICT support needed to ensure timely implementation of EU legislation. These actions are complemented by awareness raising activities and the exchange of best practices.

The ISA Work Programme has been established in close cooperation with EU Member States and was endorsed unanimously by all Member States represented in the ISA Committee meeting on 6 May 2010. Today, the work programme has been adopted by the Commission and the associated budget has been made available.

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