Europese Commissie zoekt meer topmanagers uit recent toegetreden lidstaten (en)

Maroš Sefcovic, the Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Inter-institutional Relations and Administration, announced today the publication of vacancies for four Deputy Director General posts, open to nationals of three Member States which joined the EU in 2004 (Latvia, Lithuania and Malta). Although overall targets for top managers from the new Member States which joined the EU in 2004 have been achieved, individual indicative targets have not yet been reached for these three Member States. Today's publications will be followed in the coming days by two further waves of senior management publications, respectively at Director and Principal Adviser levels, which will opened to nationals of six Member States which joined the EU in 2004 and 2007 (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia ).

"The Commission is very serious about achieving a decent geographical balance throughout its services, including at the highest level of management," said Vice-President Å efcovic. "We have done very well with the indicative targets we set for the countries which joined in 2004 and 2007. But for a few Member States, we need an extra effort. That is why we have decided to take this extra step. I look forward to receiving applications from top class candidates."

Following the 2004 and 2007 enlargements, the Commission committed itself to support active recruitment of nationals of the 12 new Member States in its services, including in top management positions.

This process has been supported by the establishment of a transition period during which these recruitments should be facilitated. This period will end on 31 December 2010 for the 10 Member States which joined the EU in 2004 (EU-10). A similar period was set for Bulgaria and Romania (EU-2), expiring on 31 December 2011.

As far as EU-10 recruitment at senior management level is concerned, the overall targets as set by the European Commission are 10 Directors General or Deputy Director General and 41 Directors or Principal Advisers .

Globally, over the last few years, this recruitment process has progressed very well: the global indicative target is fulfilled at Director General or Deputy Director General level, and it is close to being fulfilled at Director or Principal Adviser level, with 40 staff already recruited.

However, Vice President Å efcovic wants to continue the efforts of his predecessor, Siim Kallas, and promote recruitment for a number of Member States for which indicative individual targets are not met yet through today's publications and upcoming ones at Director and Principal Adviser levels.

Vacancies for Deputy Director General posts which are open to Latvian, Lithuanian and Maltese nationals are the following:

  • Deputy Director-General in the Directorate General for Competition,
  • Deputy Director-General in the Directorate General for Internal Market and Services,
  • Deputy Director-General in the Directorate General for Regional Policy,
  • Deputy Director-General in the Directorate General for Health and Consumers.

On 28th May, the Commission will publish vacancies for Directors which will be open to nationals of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. These will be in the Directorate Generals for Competition, Agriculture and Rural Development, Budget and at the Joint Research Centre and the EU Publications Office.

On 9th June, the Commission will publish vacancies at Principal Advisor level also for nationals of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. These will be in the Legal Service, EuropeAid, and the Directorates General for Research, Energy and Interpretation.

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