Werkgevers roepen op tot proactief ondernemingenbeleid in de EU


16 April 2010

The EESC's Employers' Group called on the European Union to build up a more proactive enterprise policy in Europe at its extraordinary meeting convened in response to the financial and economic crisis.

"Such a policy will only be meaningful if accompanied by an open European internal market and by the reduction of administrative burdens and barriers faced by businesses," Mr. Henri Malosse, President of the Employers' Group, emphasized in conclusion, pledging support of measures taken to reach these goals.

"Entrepreneurs, like European citizens, have high expectations of the European Union and have generally been disappointed by its lack of responsiveness and coordination in face of the financial crisis," the President added.

Organised jointly with the Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organisations, the event served to summarize the essential steps needed to help the European Union swerve out of the downturn.

Employers ask the European Union and the national governments to invest more, and on the long term, in education and training. They urge the re-inclusion of pioneering spirit and business mentality into school curricula, which would eventually lead to greater mobility of Europeans and wider market opportunities for their ideas. Enterprise culture must once again become a value in Europe.

In the field of intellectual property rights, entrepreneurs called for efforts to combat counterfeiting of European brands and for the implementation of a still missing European Community Patent.

A stronger control of state aid, a greater involvement of industry alliances in drafting legislation, a more efficient support to research and innovation, and an end to Europe's de-industrialisation are further cornerstones of the Employers' Group.

For more details on the event, please go to:


or send an email to gr1@eesc.europa.eu