Week van Duurzame Energie in het teken van decarbonisatie (en)

The European Sustainable Energy Week starting today, will focus on decarbonising Europe's energy future. More than 3 500 participants will take part in events across Europe.

Mr Günther H. Oettinger, Commissioner responsible for Energy, said : "Now is the right moment to set out a long term vision for Europe's energy policy, and that vision has to revolve around decarbonisation and green growth. Energy efficiency and renewable energy can be a powerful factor of economic transformation and contribute to a positive, smarter vision for the society of the future."

Commissioner Oettinger will kick of the event on Tuesday with an opening speech "Europe 2015 and beyond". The European Sustainable Energy Week running from 22 to 26 March 2010, will feature nearly 90 events in Brussels and some 270 energy days across 28 European countries.

The EU Sustainable Energy Week is the high point of a year-long effort undertaken by the over 1,200 organisations and 10,000 people that are involved in the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign. Launched in 2005 by the EC it aims to support the EU targets within the fields of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and clean transport.

For a full list of events in Brussels and across Europe, media highlights and fresh news about the Week, visit EU Sustainable Energy Week’s site (www.eusew.eu).