Kandidaat-commissaris visserij wil doorgaan met hervormen (en)

EU fisheries policy reform and funding, bringing decision making closer to those directly involved, environmentally-sustainable fishing, competitiveness and fishermen's income, the role of fish farming and protecting EU fishing vessels from piracy were among the issues raised by MEPs at the hearing of the Greek Commissioner-designate for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki.

"The ongoing Common Fisheries Policy reform is vital and will, of course, be a central focus of my work," said Ms Damanaki in her introductory remarks, stressing the keywords "sustainability", "democratic responsibility for all partners of the sector", "global dimension" and "compliance".

"I will be proud to contribute to blue growth", said Commissioner-designate Damanaki, who if approved would take charge of a broader integrated maritime policy, adding that this growth will help to unleash the potential of all sea resources and create "blue jobs".