EESC: Europese integratie moet verder gaan dan economische samenwerking (en)

EESC President: European integration must continue beyond the economic market

In a statement on the incoming European Commission and its "EU 2020" strategy, EESC President Mario Sepi stressed the need to make the social aspect one of the main priorities for the EU.

Addressing the EESC's December Plenary Session, President SEPI said "The EU institutions must show the public that the market is an instrument for making the European project a reality, and not an end in itself". The social action programme must be an integral part of "EU 2020" and the implementation of social legislation must be vigorously pursued.

President SEPI was adamant that, in order to ensure a truly sustainable social market economy, the EU needs more than consistency between policies, the different levels of EU governance, instruments and strategies. "An 'adequate European social budget' is absolutely essential here", he said. President SEPI urged the Commission to increase EU social spending when EU finances were being reviewed.

President SEPI also expressed concern that immigration policy was to come under the Commission's security portfolio rather than under justice and fundamental rights. "The integration of migrants, like the issue of basic rights, has to be part of our efforts to build a balanced, integrated European society", he said.

President SEPI also advocated innovation as a means of creating a sustainable future for Europe; in conclusion he underlined the potential of the "green" revolution and of innovative SMEs in tackling the current crisis.

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