Eu en Rio Groep brengen gezamenlijke verklaring uit over klimaat, onwikkeling en investeringen (en)

  • 1. 
    The 14th Ministerial meeting of the European Union (EU) and the Rio Group was held in Prague on 13 May 2009 under the co presidency of Mexico for the Rio Group and the Czech Republic for the Council of the EU. The meeting was chaired by the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, Ambassador Patricia Espinosa, head of the Rio Group Pro Tempore Secretariat, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jan Kohout. The Rio Group troika included the Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile, Ambassador Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, as well as the Vice Minister of Foreign Relations of the Dominican Republic, Ambassador Alejandra Liriano. Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and Neighborhood Policy, representing the European Commission, also participated.
  • 2. 
    The Ministers reiterated their commitment to the Charter of the United Nations, discussed issues that are high on the international agenda and of great interest for both regions and underscored the importance of the dialogue between the European Union and the Rio Group, as well as the imperious need of working together notably in addressing global challenges.
  • 3. 
    The following statement was jointly issued:


  • 4. 
    The European Union and the Rio Group recognize the strategic role of an efficient and sustainable energy sector for the development of modern economies. They agree that diversification of energy sources, in particular renewable sources of energy, changing unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and access to reliable and sustainable energy are crucial to meeting sustainable development needs and achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. They acknowledge the need to develop a deeper dialogue between the EU and the Rio Group in the energy sector, in particular in order to enhance global reliable and efficient energy supply and demand chains and to tackle the challenge and mitigate negative impacts of climate change.
  • 5. 
    The EU and the Rio Group acknowledge the importance of strengthening a regulatory framework conducive to generating and attracting investment for the development of national and regional energy markets. While recognizing the principle of the sovereign right of States to manage and regulate their natural resources, the EU and the Rio Group also recognize the importance of promoting a secure and transparent investment climate and are committed to:

·       Support the development of long-term, sustainable energy strategies and policies at the national, regional and intraregional levels in order to ensure reliable, affordable and sustainable flows of energy and access to energy for their citizens.

·       Promote the regional integration of energy sectors and markets and the connection between energy networks as a means to achieve sustainable and reliable energy supply and demand, building on complementarities, and in a spirit of solidarity.

·       Promote diversification of energy sources with the focus on renewable energies and safe and sustainable clean technologies as well as energy efficiency improvements in all sectors.

·       Cooperate in development of new and renewable energy sources in both regions, including the technology aspects and the relevant joint energy technology development projects.

  • 6. 
    The EU and the Rio Group express their support for development and implementation of adequate policy measures to promote energy savings, energy efficiency and the research, development, transfer and deployment of safe and sustainable energy technologies. This should include exploring policy instruments in support of the use of environmentally sound energy sources, particularly renewable energies, and other clean safe and sustainable energy solutions. The Ministers expressed their commitment to cooperate on promoting renewable energies. The recently founded International Renewable Energy Agency “IRENA” could be an appropriate tool to this end.
  • 7. 
    The EU and the Rio Group jointly recognize the need to promote actions that align and advance our respective economic, energy, climate and environmental objectives, delivering real prosperity for our peoples in the long term and building resilient economies. Both parties agree to pursue efforts to strengthen the Clean Development Mechanism while increasing participation in flexible mechanisms, according to the needs and capacities of each country.
  • 8. 
    The EU and the Rio Group underline the importance of continuing participation and close cooperation in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, with a view to enabling the full, effective and sustained implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change through long-term cooperative action now, up to, and beyond 2012, and to ensure an ambitious, fair and effective global agreement, to follow the present commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
  • 9. 
    They also underscored the need to fully implement the commitments under the Convention, in accordance with its principles, including the common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in order to achieve significant emission-reductions.
  • 10. 
    Taking into account the increasing frequency of disasters of meteorological origin suffered by some regions, they commit to further promote cooperation programs that facilitate addressing climate change.


  • 11. 
    The EU and the Rio Group are determined to strengthen their cooperation and work together to respond to the current global crisis, reduce its impacts on their citizens, and to ensure the smooth running of the financial sector and of the real economy. They underscore that the solution to this crisis demands a global concerted response of the international community in order to restore market confidence, improve the transparency of international economic and financial activities, take action to build a stronger, more globally consistent, supervisory and regulatory framework, stabilize global financial markets, promote socio-economic development including a gender perspective and global economic growth, and ensure a more balanced global economy. Emerging and developing economies, including the poorest, should have greater voice and representation.
  • 12. 
    The Foreign Ministers of the EU and the Rio Group engaged in a broad and open discussion about current options for preventing future financial and economic crisis, including the need to consider an ambitious reform of multilateral institutions dealing with global macroeconomic and financial matters, and building a new international financial architecture, among others.
  • 13. 
    The EU and the Rio Group acknowledge the relevance of discussing the issue of structural solutions to the financial and economic crisis at G20 Summits as well as other fora, particularly the United Nations Conference at the Highest Level on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impacts on Development.
  • 14. 
    The EU and the Rio Group recognize that the expansion and diversification of trade, financial and investment flows, among other factors, are essential to reinstate economic confidence as well as to overcome the present economic situation. They underscore the critical importance of rejecting protectionism in all its forms. They also reaffirm their opposition to unilateral coercive measures that are contrary to international law and the commonly accepted trade rules. They confirm their willingness to reach an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced agreement that fulfils the development objectives of the WTO Doha Round and significantly fosters world trade flows, as well as promotes effective trade rules. The EU and the Rio Group will endeavor to find solutions that promote the successful and balanced conclusion of the Round. They also underline the importance of concluding regional agreements currently under negotiations that are complementary to the multilateral DDA trade negotiations process.
  • 15. 
    The EU and Rio Group are mindful of the impact of the current crisis on developing and emerging economies in particular those of Latin America and the Caribbean, and reaffirm the importance of complying with objectives established at world summits and conferences, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the development assistance commitments and principles agreed at the 2002 United Nations Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey and the 2008 Doha Declaration on Financing for Development. Likewise, it is of utmost importance that developing and emerging countries strive to maintain an adequate flow of private capital and access to credit markets, in order to prevent greater contagion of the crisis. They agreed on the importance of the contribution of other flows, notably private investment, trade and new development actors that provide new opportunities for financing of development.
  • 16. 
    In this context, the Rio Group took note that the EU adopted in June 2008 an ambitious Agenda for Action on MDGs and is taking measures to support the developing world, including Latin America and the Caribbean, in coping with the current global crisis.
  • 17. 
    The EU and the Rio Group remain engaged in both multilateral and regional efforts aimed at promoting sustained economic growth and sustainable development in both regions, and will continue to work together to strengthen their political and socio-economic relations, as well as their cooperation.
  • 18. 
    The EU and the Rio Group underline the importance of maintaining the commitments on official development aid. We also encourage emerging economies to continue to make efforts to increase cooperation and make more effective South-South and triangular cooperation initiatives. This cooperation should always be aligned with the national priorities, established by the developing countries themselves. The EU and the Rio Group reaffirm their commitment to the principles of official development aid effectiveness, ownership, partnership and harmonization.
  • 19. 
    The EU and the Rio Group welcome the significant steps taken at the London G20 Summit to make available an additional $850 billion of resources through the global financial institutions, including at least $100 billion through the Multilateral Development Banks, to support growth in emerging markets and developing countries. They expressed serious concerns about the current economic and financial crisis and underlined the importance of strengthened regional and sub-regional financial mechanisms and architecture in order to support integration and development in the context of the global financial crisis. Improved financial facilities of international and regional financial institutions, such as the Inter American Development Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks should help counter the effects of the crisis in developing countries, especially as regards the poorest and most vulnerable populations.
  • 20. 
    The Ministers accepted with pleasure the invitation of Chile to host the XV Rio Group -  European Union Ministerial Meeting in 2011.
  • 21. 
    The Ministers expressed their gratitude to the government and people of the Czech Republic for their hospitality and for the excellent organization of the XIV Ministerial Meeting between the European Union and the Rio Group.