Mensenrechten in de wereld in 2008: Parlement benadrukt plussen en minnen (en)

The gradual retreat of the death penalty round the world and the progress made on women's and children's rights are among positive developments noted in the EP's 2008 annual report on human rights which was adopted today by an overwhelming majority. However, the European Union could promote human rights more effectively, say MEPs. Another question is whether the EU always lives up to its own principles, for example when dealing with terrorism and immigration.

The report, drafted by Raimon Obiols i Germà (PES, ES), was adopted by 429 votes to 36 with 55 abstentions. 

Progress on death penalty but mixed results for international arrest warrants

On some issues the report expresses guarded optimism. It welcomes the fact that overall "the death penalty is in retreat", although not in Iran, where its use has increased and where juveniles continue to be executed. China still carries out the greatest number of death sentences in the world but Belarus is pinpointed as "the only country in Europe that continues to use the death penalty".

More generally, China and Iran are among countries singled out for serious human rights abuses but the report also highlights problems in Russia, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Cuba and many other states. The ongoing human rights reforms in Turkey are noted but further improvements are needed to ensure respect for minorities and freedom of speech, says the report.

MEPs welcome the successful use of international arrest warrants in bringing to justice some individuals responsible for human rights abuses but note that such warrants have had mixed results in countries including Serbia, Sudan, Congo (DRC) and Uganda.

EU's own record on human rights under scrutiny

Reflecting criticisms that Europe applies its principles only where convenient, the report cites "Member States' practices in relation to the anti-terrorism policies" of the Bush Administration. It also argues that "in the eyes of large segments of public opinion worldwide, immigration policy represents a challenge for the credibility of EU's external action in the field of human rights".

In addition, the report urges all EU Member States to ratify all UN and Council of Europe human rights conventions. For example, a number of Member States have failed to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. The Czech Republic is pressed to ratify the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court and Romania is asked to "rescind its Bilateral Immunity Agreement with the United States".

Work of global and European institutions

MEPs give qualified approval to the work of the UN Human Rights Council, while noting that "EU Member States are in a minority in the UNHRC" and calling for the EU to build alliances with countries that continue to defend "the universal and indivisible nature of human rights", in other words rejecting cultural relativism.

The drive in 2008 by the Slovenian and French EU presidencies to finalise guidelines on children's rights is a step forward but more needs to be done to protect children caught up in armed conflict. Similarly, women's rights, including violence against women, became a priority under the French presidency but there are still gaps in EU policies in this field.

Who will defend the defenders?

MEPs believe that human rights defenders, whose own lives are often threatened, should be granted emergency visas more easily to enable them to take refuge in EU states.

Economic, social and cultural rights...and the responsibility of business

Parliament also makes that point that "economic, social and cultural rights are just as important as civil and political rights".  The report calls on the EU "to mainstream protection of ESC rights into its external relations with third countries" and stresses that human rights also include rights to food, adequate housing and other basics. The need to promote corporate social responsibility and require EU-based companies to respect ILO regulations in their operations outside Europe is also underlined.

Overall, argues the draft report, the EU should use its combined weight to greater effect on the human rights front. Quantifiable indices and benchmarks need to be devised to measure the effectiveness of EU human rights policies. And the approaches to human rights of the Commission and Member States in their missions and embassies outside the EU should be harmonised.

At today's vote, the House adopted an amendment stating that "international human rights protections include sexual orientation or gender identity".  However, MEPs rejected an amendment condemning recent declarations by the Pope against the use of condoms in connection with the fight against HIV/AIDS.