
Democratic process in Turkey

European Parliament – Plenary Session

Strasbourg, 5 May 2009


Honourable Members,

I am deeply shocked and sorrowed by the massacre that took place in Bilge, Turkey last night killing 45 people. I offer my sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims. I trust that the murderers will be brought to justice as soon as possible.

And let me also express my personal and the Commission's sorrow for the death of nine Turkish soldiers and a gendarme further to terrorist attacks last week. Our thoughts go to the families of those who lost their lives.

The EU unequivocally condemns terrorism. The PKK is on the EU list of terrorist organisations. The EU will continue to provide every possible support to Turkey in its fight against terrorism.

The Commission is aware that between 14 and 18 April more than 200 officials and members of the DTP party have been arrested in a police operation throughout Turkey and in particular in its South-eastern region.

We understand that charges brought against them include being a member of a terrorist organisation, although a formal indictment is still being prepared. We look forward to its finalisation, as part of a transparent and objective judicial process.

While the Commission cannot interfere in ongoing legal cases, our approach is clear on this matter: We have consistently stressed that the fight against terrorism must be conducted with due regard for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular as regards freedom of expression and freedom of association.

Political pluralism is an integral part of any democracy. The Turkish parliament is today largely representative of the country's political diversity. DTP has been contributing to pluralism in Turkey, with its political legitimacy confirmed by the results of the March municipal elections.

At the same time, the people of the Southeast of Turkey need peace, stability and prosperity rather than further violence and confrontation. Condemning the use of force and violence is a duty for all parties involved. All must exercise restraint and remain committed to peaceful means. This is also integral part of any democracy.

We will continue to follow up closely the developments of this case. We trust that the principles of democracy and the rule of law, including the rights of defendants, will prevail.

The Commission will also continue to follow the closure case against DTP currently pending before the Constitutional Court.

In this context, we have reiterated to Turkey that the Turkish legal provisions governing the closure of political parties are not in line with the European Convention of Human Rights and with European practices, as recently stated in an opinion of the Venice Commission. We have invited Turkey to take fully into account such opinion and to reflect it in the Turkish legislative framework.

Furthermore, we continue to encourage the Turkish authorities to address the problems of the South-eastern region of the country and of its people, with a view to enhancing the economic, social and cultural opportunities of all Turkish citizens, irrespective of their ethnic, religious or linguistic origins. Furthermore, we continue to encourage the Turkish authorities to address the problems of the South-eastern region of the country and of its people, with a view to enhancing the economic, social and cultural opportunities of all Turkish citizens, irrespective of their ethnic, religious or linguistic origins. Let me also recall that the abolition of the system of village guards is a priority of the Accession Partnership that needs to be fulfilled.

Under the Copenhagen political criteria, Turkey must ensure cultural diversity and promote cultural rights of all its citizens, as set out in the Accession Partnership.

In this context, the establishment of a new TRT channel broadcasting in Kurdish is a major step forward, which shows a clear change of mentality and which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. I encourage the Turkish authorities to take further steps in this direction.

We will continue to monitor the situation in the Southeast and will report in our upcoming progress Report.

Thank you.