Commissie doneert 2 miljoen aan noodfonds van het Internationale Rode Kruis (en)

The European Commission has signed a €2 million humanitarian contribution agreement with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). Funds from the DREF are mainly allocated to “small-scale” disasters – those of limited magnitude that do not give rise to a formal international appeal.

Louis Michel , Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid said:

“The number of small-scale disasters is increasing, mainly because of climate change. Small disasters do not mean small suffering. People should not be discriminated because the disaster which hit them was not big enough and did not catch media attention". He continued: "The Commission already has very flexible mechanisms for channelling relief funds rapidly to people in urgent need. This support for the Red Cross/Crescent Federation is an important addition to the toolbox, allowing us better to achieve the goal of helping the most vulnerable people in crisis zones."


The Disaster Relief Emergency Fund was established in 1985 and is supported by contributions from donors. Each time a National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society needs immediate financial support to respond to a disaster, it can request funds from the DREF. For small-scale disasters, the IFRC allocates grants from the Fund, which can then be replenished by the donors. This new contribution agreement enables the Commission to replenish the DREF for agreed operations (that fit in with its humanitarian mandate) up to a total of €2 million.

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