Internationale Vrouwendag: EESC zet zich in voor gendergelijkheid (en)
PRESS RELEASE No 29/2009 |
10 March 2009 |
International Women's Day: EESC Vice-President outlines Committee's priorities on gender equality
Speaking at the 14th meeting of the Commissioners' Group on Fundamental Rights, Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities, held on 10 March 2009 marking the International Women's Day, enlarged to all Commissioners present in Strasbourg, EESC Vice-President Irini Pari urged European institutions, governments and social partners, especiallyin the current crisis, to press on with vital measures to close the pay gap and to promote entrepreneurship amongst women.
The Vice-President of the EESC paid tribute to the Commission's efforts to improve the position of women, supporting "the vast work done in this area for 50 years now, to which the Committee has been happy to contribute". Turning to her own approach to gender inequality, Pari argued for a comprehensive understanding of the problem that would enable policy-makers to not only legislate, but empower and support women in the choices they make in their lives.
"As for the areas requiring priority action, the Committee would firstly point out the need to solve the gender pay gap problem", said Pari. Presenting the EESC's policy recommendations, she focused on rigorous implementation of legislation, assessing pay and improving jobs that are typically underpaid. "It should not be that all jobs typically dominated by women are paid less. This has to be rectified", she said.
An industry representative in Brussels herself, Vice-President Pari expressed a wish to have more business women so as to boost the economy. Adding as a personal remark Ms Pari continued: "as a society we shall recognise motherhood and its real value as one of the answers to the demographic challenge faced by Europe". Restating earlier EESC proposals, Pari at the end called amongst other things for media campaigns to combat stereotypes and for recognition of the 'assisting spouses' status of many women.