Ministers voor Werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken bespreken Werktijd Richtlijn (en)

The Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs will take place in Luhacovice on 22 – 24 January. Chaired by Minister Petr Necas, EU Members will discuss the mobility of workers and the Working Time Directive.

The debate will focus on specific measures regarding transitions between jobs or between professions, taken by Member States in order to enhance and facilitate professional mobility. It will also address the issue of transitional periods for the free movement of labour introduced by certain Member States. Another topic will be the removal of legal and administrative barriers to the free movement of the workforce and the support of cross-border recognition of qualifications.

The introductory panel (22 January) will feature, in addition to the Troika representatives, European Commissioner Vladimír Spidla i and chairman of the Committee of the European Parliament on Employment and Social Affairs Jan Andersson i. The social partners will be represented by members of the Confederation of European Business (BusinessEurope) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). The next day (23 January) negotiations will be divided into three thematic blocks. These blocks will be dedicated to the above-mentioned professional mobility, as well as geographic mobility, with the emphasis on the movement of job seekers within one state or between Member States. The third block will focus on the movement of workers from disadvantaged groups and how to ease labour market re-entry.

During the working lunch, Ministers will discuss the Working Time Directive and the strategy of the Council in conciliation proceedings with the European Parliament.

The press conference is scheduled for 22 January at 17:30 and 23 January at 13:30.

Contact: Jana Ríhová, Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs tel.: +420 221 922 249, GSM: +420 725 761 147; e-mail: