EU troika missie spreekt in Israël over situatie in Gaza (en)

EU troika headed by the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg started its visit to Israel on 5 January by meeting Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

The EU representatives - the Czech Presidency, HR/SG Javier Solana, Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner together with the Foreign Ministers of Sweden and France - presented EU's concerns over the situation in Gaza, its will to contribute to bringing an early ceasefire and easing critical humanitarian conditions. The EU maintained the ceasefire has to be brought about as soon as possible, irrespective of the aims of the military operation.

Afterwards, the EU delegation met Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the opposition, for an exchange of opinions on the current situation.

Later in the day, the EU troika called on Minister of Defence Ehud Barak.

The delegation paid a visit to Ramallah, seat of the Palestinian National Authority. After a meeting with Prime Minister Salaam Fayad, Minister Schwarzenberg declared there was a humanitarian and a political crisis in Gaza and the EU intended to be helpful in solving them.

Also in Ramallah, the EU troika delegation together with French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed their full confidence and support to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. All the European partners in a joint meeting with President Abbas explored concrete steps for a lastiing solution of the crisis in Gaza, starting with the possibility of introducing a ceasefire through cooperation in adopting a relevant UN Security Council Resolution.

At a working dinner with representatives of international humanitarian organizations active in Gaza (UNRWA, OCHA, ICRC), members of the EU troika delegation received an update on the current conditions of the territory, its most pressing material needs and suggested short and long term measures needed for its recovery.

Programme of 6 January 2009: Israel Meeting with President Simon Peres Meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Jordan Meeting with Prime Minister Nader Dahabi Audience with HM King Abdullah II Press Conference - the President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Foreign Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt Le Royal Hotel, Azur Meeting Room, Amman

Meeting with Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh