Commissie bevestigt de ontvangst van vernieuwde herstructureringsplannen van Poolse scheepswerven (en)

The European Commission can confirm that it received from the Polish authorities on 12th September 2008 a revised restructuring plan for Szczecin shipyard and a revised joint restructuring plan for Gdynia and Gdansk shipyards. The Commission will now analyse the plans carefully over the coming weeks to assess the compatibility of the plans with the requirements of EC Treaty state aid rules. The Commission opened the formal investigation into state aid for the Polish shipyards in June 2005 (see IP/05/644).

On 16th of July 2008 (see IP/08/1166 and MEMO/08/515), the Commission indicated that it would assess the new restructuring plans for the shipyards against the following criteria:

  • the revised restructuring plans must lead to the long-term viability of the shipyards, on the basis of evidence regarding the development of the shipyards' activities and productivity, the financing and profitability of these activities, and the economic environment (including factors such as evolution of input prices, exchange rates, wages and availability of qualified labour, demand and competing supply)
  • the financing of the restructuring plan by the yard or the investor must be obtained from their own resources or external financing on market terms, must be real and actual and demonstrated by sufficient evidence on the actual availability of these resources
  • the overall amount of aid granted in the framework of the restructuring plan (including aid granted in the past) must be limited to the minimum necessary and a significant contribution to the restructuring costs must be financed by the yard's or the investor's own resources
  • adequate compensatory measures must be taken to address the distortion of